
~Mystical Minion~
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Everything posted by Livia

  1. Livia

    Weaver Nexus

    The Nexus Crystal is the relay tool between your dragons and Mystical Creatures servers; they need this crystal to survive and thrive in our world. Forgetting to update to the latest version of the Nexus Crystal may cause issues like eggs not hatching, they will not grow or breed. So, it's very important you keep up to date rezzing the latest version of it at every place you have one or more dragons. The Nexus Crystal also allows you to setup all behaviors of your new baby dragons, like text, sounds, animations, movement range and breathing. The Nexus Weaver is the current version of it, the one on the picture above, if that isn't the appearance of your Nexus Crystal pick up a new one at any Mystical Creature store.
  2. Livia

    Soulfire Weaver

    Aren't those eyes just hypnotic? They come from the 2023 Legendary Edition - Soulfire Weaver. The Weaver horn shape has passed too. Here's a picture from Cass (picture was from Len) one. And Sugar mentioned she has already seen the horn pigment around. I'm hoping to see the claws, ornament, and horn pigment soon.
  3. Livia

    Which Crystals I Need?

    Why are there two distinct types of food? What is the right one for my needs? Mystical Creatures offers two kinds of food, Feracious and Arid Crystal. Both last the same time they can feed a dragon for four weeks. If you are breeding your dragons, you will need the Feracious Crystals, as they are able to grow Ardor/Zeal your dragons need to mate. Ardor/Zeal will begin to rise if the mood is at 75% or higher. Once the Ardor/Zeal reaches 100% the dragoness will be ready to mate with any Drake that has at least 1 geno, if they are awake. Once they mate the egg drops immediately and will be ready to incubate. There are cases you don't need to breed your dragons, and you want to keep them alive; in those situations, Arid food is the best choice to feed them. You can change the food you are feeding your dragons anytime, BUT it will take seven days on Feracious Crystals for the effects of the Arid Crystals to wear off.
  4. Gonzaga Valley Valley/33/214/3801
  5. The 2021 Legendary Edition - Hallowed Briarthorn was the first ever Legendary Edition released and was available in October of 2021! This 2021 Legendary Edition - Hallowed Briarthorn was hiding Horn Pigment Hallowed Briarthorn, Ornament Pigment Hallowed Briarthorn, and Claws Hallowed Briarthorn! There is a chance to get these from any breeding of the 2021 Legendary Edition - Hallowed Briarthorn! Skin: 2021 Legendary Edition - Hallowed Briarthorn Eye: Hallowed Briarthorn Claws: Hallowed Briarthorn Horn: Spikes Horn Pigment: Hallowed Briarthorn Ornament: Spikes Ornament Pigment: Hallowed Briarthorn
  6. Livia


    I was at an auction this morning and witnessed an interesting conversation between two dragon breeders that started as a little joke between them about a pretty dragon one was trying to sell at the auction. - Hey "John Doe"; I have the perfect drake for your female! - Oh really, "Jane Doe"? Let me see it. After a few more words, they decided to breed their dragons together to develop a project in common. People breed their dragons for numerous reasons; some do it for fun, others for monetary profit. It's interesting how, no matter the reason you do it, collaborating with another breeder is a common objective and is a joyful experience. Here are some specific reasons why dragon breeders might choose to collaborate: To breed dragons with specific traits. By breeding dragons from different lines, breeders can create new dragons with unique combinations of traits. It can be especially beneficial for breeders trying to breed dragons for specific purposes, such as racing or breeding. To share resources and knowledge. Breeding dragons can be expensive, and it can be helpful for breeders to share resources such as food, consumables, and breeding space. Additionally, breeders can learn from each other's experiences and share tips and advice. To build relationships with other breeders. Breeding dragons can be a solitary hobby, but it can be more enjoyable to share it with others. By collaborating with other breeders, breeders can make new friends and build a community of like-minded people.
  7. Dawn light gale dragons, A symphony of the skies. The sun's first rays, a golden veil, As dragons dance and fly. Their wings spread wide, they catch the breeze, And soar above the land. Their fiery breath, a morning song, As dawn begins to stand. Through mist and cloud, they glide with grace, Their scales aglow with light. A timeless dance, a wondrous sight, As dragons greet the day. To celebrate Mystical Creatures' 2nd Birthday for 24 hours on September 15, 2023, you could get a random drop, the 2023 2nd Birthday Edition - Dawnlight Gale, from any breeding! The Dawnlight Gale Skin, Eye, Claws, Horn Pigment, and Ornament Pigment DO pass!
  8. Livia

    Auctions Etiquette

    Hello, my fellow breeders. I know this is not new for most of you, but there is always someone new joining our community that can profit from some little bits of advice. To start, let's talk about timing. Try to arrive a few minutes before the auction begins; it's not because your name is down on the list you should come late. Remember, your fellows are trying to sell their dragons too, and one of them could be offering just the one you need. The same applies to leaving right after your panel. It's not just inelegant but disrespectful to the auctioneer and the audience. Again, others are there for the same reason you are. Give them the same chance they gave you. Now a sensible subject is pricing. Don't offer the same dragons someone else tried to sell before you for half the price they were asking. That is not a smart move and will not make others see you as a great dealer. The effect is the opposite. They will see you as a market crasher and will avoid buying your stuff in the long term. Also, don't be ashamed if you don't know how much to ask for your items; ask your auctioneer before the auction starts; they are very involved with market prices and are the best to help you. And at last, tipping. Don't forget to tip your auctioneer after you sell something. Auctioneers work only for tips. They try hard to sell every offer in an auction. Recognizing their effort to sell your stuff is fair and elegant, so tip 10% every time you sell something. Sometimes even if you don't sell, and if you notice a special treatment to your panel, it's a good practice to tip the auctioneer. Any small tip is appreciated. All auctioneers are giving up their fun time to help to sell your stuff.
  9. Livia

    Purple Rain

    A bit later, but like it's twin brother, the 2023 Legendary Edition - Stormy Skies dropped the Stormy skin! A new purple option to create your dream project or to add to other stormy traits and reach the maximum 5 times Stormy. I'm in love with its blue chest color contrasting with the purple body.
  10. Livia

    Flare Antlers

    And now, to complete the spectrum of flare traits coming from the 2023 Legendary Edition Freedom Flare, we have found a new antler! How gorgeous are they? So many ideas for new projects are popping up my mind, they can match many different coats colors!
  11. Dragons are reptiles, so they are cold-blooded creatures, also known as ectotherms or poikilotherms, and are animals whose body temperature varies with the temperature of their surroundings. Unlike warm-blooded creatures (endotherms), which can regulate their body temperature internally, cold-blooded creatures rely on external heat sources to warm up and become more active. Environmental conditions directly influence the metabolism and activity levels of cold-blooded creatures. When the environment is warm, they become more active, and their metabolism increases. Conversely, their activity slows, and their metabolism decreases in colder conditions. Mystical Creatures has launched at FaMESHed the Moon pools. You can use them to decorate your sim and relax with your friends and dragons. They contain nine poses and come in 3 different versions (Obsidian, Sandy, and Mossy).
  12. Livia

    Flare Leafage

    In the vast darkness of the night sky, a flare erupted with dazzling brilliance, illuminating the surroundings like a temporary sun. Its intense light pierced through the obsidian veil, casting long shadows that danced in its radiance. A mesmerizing display of fiery hues painted the heavens, captivating all fortunate to witness its spectacle. With each passing moment, the flare's incandescent glow seemed to intensify as if trying to engrave its presence in the memory of onlookers. Its radiant core expanded and contracted in rhythmic pulses, resembling a celestial heartbeat that pulsed through the cosmos. For those who spotted the flare, it became a fleeting moment of awe and wonder. Its existence felt transient, and yet, left an indelible mark on their souls. As the flare finally diminished, returning the sky to its natural state of darkness, its memory lingered, forever etched in the minds of those who bore witness to this breathtaking display of nature's grandeur. And there's Fawn ridding her Flare leafage Fire Zuldrud, a drop from the 2023 Legendary Edition - Freedom Flare!! Grats Fawn
  13. Livia


    MMOC is under a new direction, and there will be a meeting on Friday 28th, right after the Mystical Creatures Town Meeting. There's a lot of stuff going on; and to be announced at the meeting, like the new MMOC channel at DISCORD. We summon you to join us to discover all the news and contribute with your ideas and opinions to improve the community. MMOC is the forum to discuss all subjects relate to secondary markets, register original design projects, and stay connected with other creators.
  14. Livia


    Mystical Creatures Market Coalition is to proud to announce it has its private discord server. You can meet MMOC members and officers online, even if you aren't in SL; to discuss your concerns about the dragons' market; follow up on all MMOC events or show off your pretty dragons' pictures. For those that don't know Discord yet, it is a community communication tool developed for gamers, so it allows communicating using text or voice in an extremely low lag, and minimum memory consumption app. Due to those characteristics, you can use it alongside games or other heavy apps. And it's free! Use the link below to join us in Discord! We are also creating a lot of new tools and events soon to be announced to the community.
  15. Livia

    Stormy Eyes

    We're finding beautiful new traits dropping from the 2023 Legendary Edition - Stormy Skies. And one of them is the Stormy eyes. Of course, there are more popping around the grid, but Stormy Eyes is the one I'll share with your today. The lightning bolts on it are supercalifragilistic and give a ferocious look. A perfect choice for a combat dragon. Don't you agree?
  16. The new mutation markings are a delicious surprise! Look at what Laika (Laika Karillion) has gotten this morning, the Mutation Lace Smolder. So, another recipe was revealed breeding Datentuds and Lacing markings; you can get the newest Lace Smolder. It looks very subtle on the Fruzayl, but it is still incredible, and imagine it on darker skins! I can't wait to see the other mutations still to be revealed. Thaks Laika for the lovely picture of your baby And don't forget everyone there will be a TOWN HALL MEETING ON JUNE 30TH AT 1 PM SLT.
  17. Livia

    More Leafage

    Right after I posted my connection about the Aglaonema leafage, two new color patterns had dropped from the Watermelon LEs. Caladium and Xanadu! Caladium is a genus of flowering plants in the family Araceae. These tropical plants are known for their colorful and attractive foliage, making them popular choices for indoor and outdoor gardens. The Xanadu plant, also known as Philodendron x 'Xanadu' or Philodendron bipinnatifidum 'Xanadu,' is a popular tropical plant that belongs to the Araceae family. So now there are three leafage patterns, and I don't know about you, but I love all of them!
  18. Livia


    The Watermelons are dropping a new Ornament type and pigment. The Leafage (or Foliage) and Aglaonema pigment. Aglaonema is a genus of flowering plants in the family Araceae. These plants are commonly known as Chinese evergreens. They are native to tropical and subtropical regions of Asia and New Guinea. Aglaonema plants are popular as indoor houseplants due to their attractive foliage and modest maintenance requirements. Here are some key features and characteristics of Aglaonema plants: Foliage: Aglaonema plants are admired for their lush, colorful, and variegated leaves. The foliage can vary in shape and size, but it is typically glossy, and lance shaped. The leaves may have assorted color patterns of green, silver, cream, yellow, or pink, depending on the variety. Growth habit: Aglaonema plants are compact and bushy, making them suitable for small spaces. They typically grow upright and reach around 2 to 3 feet (60 to 90 cm). Some species produce suckers or offshoots from the base, which can be divided to propagate new plants. Light requirements: Aglaonema plants prefer bright and indirect light. They can tolerate lower light conditions, but their growth and leaf coloration may be affected. Avoid placing them in direct sunlight, as it can scorch the leaves. Temperature and humidity: Aglaonema plants thrive in average room temperatures ranging from 65 to 80°F (18 to 27°C). They prefer moderately high humidity levels, so misting the leaves or placing the plant on a humidity tray can be beneficial. Watering: These plants prefer slightly moist but well-draining soil. Allow the top inch (2.5 cm) of soil to dry out between waterings to prevent overwatering, which can lead to root rot. Reduce watering during the winter months. Soil: Aglaonema plants do well in a well-draining potting mix that retains some moisture. A mixture of peat moss, perlite, coarse sand, and orchid bark is suitable. Fertilization: Feed Aglaonema plants with a balanced, water-soluble fertilizer once a month during the growing season (spring and summer). Follow the instructions on the fertilizer packaging for application rates. Propagation: Aglaonema plants can be propagated through stem cuttings or by division. Stem cuttings can be taken from healthy, mature plants and rooted in water or moist potting mix. Dividing the plant during repotting is another way to propagate Aglaonema. Toxicity: Aglaonema plants contain calcium oxalate crystals, which can cause irritation and discomfort if ingested. Keep them away from children and pets. Most Common varieties: There are numerous Aglaonema cultivars. Each with unique leaf patterns and colors. Some popular types include Aglaonema 'Silver Bay,' 'Emerald Beauty,' 'Red Valentine,' and 'Maria.' thank you FRANCESC for the pictures.
  19. Livia

    Mystical Nesting Charm

    Sometimes we can't just wait till our dragons get ready to breed. Reasons can be multiple. You're in a hurry to drop a new trait, or you're just an impatient person. Anyway, there is a legal shortcut to gaining precious time. It doesn't matter if it's a drake or a dragoness. But the solutions and effects are different, and also the price. One can only use a drake charm booster once per 24 hours and can only use it until it reaches 3 Genos. It will not work if the drake already has 3 Genos'. So it's like that famous blue pill; the drake is ready to breed right after taking it. A single Mystical Nesting Charm for Drakes costs L$799. The Mystical Nesting Charm for Dragonesses is a one-time use charm (per 24 hours) that will increase one of your dragonesses' Ardor by 33%. A Mystical Nesting Charm for Dragonesses costs L$699. To use it, in both cases, open the boxed Mystical Nesting Charm and rez next to the dragon you wish to boost stats. Then click the animal and go to the "Absorbables" option on the menu, find "Nesting Charm" from the options on the menu, and click it. Once it updates the dragon stats, the Nesting Charm will disappear.
  20. Yes, Mystical Creatures has a Discord server channel; if you are a Discord user, you should join it asap. Through this channel, you can access the latest news and releases, send feedback to staff, get help, post screenshots, and talk to other breeders. It is a complementary tool to the Mystical Creatures website and a dynamic real-time environment. For those that don't know Discord yet, it is a community communication tool developed for gamers, so it allows communicating using text or voice in an extremely low lag; and minimum memory consumption app. Due to those characteristics, you can use it alongside games or other heavy apps. And it's free! Use the link below to join us in Discord.
  21. Livia

    Express Yourself

    It's not what you look like When you're doin' what you're doin' It's what you're doin', when you're doin' What you look like you're doin' Did you know Mystic Creatures has a Flickr page where any dragons' breeder can post their best pictures to the community? All you need is a valid Flickr account and join the Mystical Creatures group. After it, you're able to upload your photos and express yourself. point your cam or click here to go to Mystical Creatures Flickr page I selected a few pictures to show a little sample of what you can find there. At the moment, we are 83 members and 95 photos posted. We are missing your collaboration showing how much you love Mystical Creature dragons and how they are part of your Second Life. Sean and his Dragon by Oscar Clancy COLD AS ICE by Lucky Bekkers flarenacht by ASean Rapada Dragons by Avalon Crystal DRAGONHEART by Ravyn Hexem What are you still waiting for? Join us and express yourself!!!!
  22. Livia

    Aiutami! 🆘

    Ciao a tutti! Oggi andiamo a vedere come inviare una richiesta d'assitenza : 1. Accedi al sito web di SUPPORTO 2. Compila il modulo 3. Opzioni di dipartimento 4. Breve descrizione del problema (utilizzare un traduttore in inglese) Molto semplice e il supporto risponderà al più presto possibile
  23. Livia

    Coloring your projects

    Matching colors can refer to finding colors that complement or harmonize with one another. Here are some tips on how to match colors: Use a color wheel: A color wheel is a tool that shows how colors relate together. Complementary colors are opposite each other on the wheel and can be used to create a high-contrast look. Analogous using colors are next to each other on the wheel and create a harmonious look. Stick to a color palette: Choose a few colors and stick to them. It can create a cohesive and polished look. For example, if you're working with blues, choose shades in the same family, such as navy, sky blue, and baby blue. Consider the context: Consider the environment in which colors will operate. Consider the mood you want to create and the purpose of the design. For example, bright colors might be appropriate for a children's product, while muted colors might be more appropriate for a professional setting. Experiment: Don't be afraid to try different combinations of colors. Sometimes unexpected combinations can work well together. Remember that color is subjective, and what looks good to one person might not look good to another. The most important thing is the colors you choose reflect the message or mood you want to convey. Ton sur ton is a French term that means "tone on tone" or "shade on shade." It is a styling technique that involves wearing or decorating with different shades of the same color. Here are some tips on how to use "ton sur ton": Choose your base color: Start with a color that you want to use as your base. This color should be a shade you love and looks good on your project. Mix different shades: Once you have chosen your base color, start mixing different shades of the same color. For example, if you chose blue as your base color, you could mix navy blue, baby blue, and turquoise. Use different textures: Another way to add depth and interest to your ton sur ton look is by using different textures. For example, you could wear a cotton shirt with a wool skirt; or use a velvet cushion on a linen sofa. Add a pop of contrast: While ton sur ton is all about using the same color family, adding a discrepancy can create a more distinctive look. For example, if you wear a ton sur ton blue outfit, you could add a pop of red to your shoes or accessories. Adent to proportions: When using ton sur ton, it is a decisive factor to get attention to proportions. If you are wearing different shades of the same color, make sure that the pieces are not too similar in color or texture, as this can create a flat appearance result. Remember that ton sur ton is a versatile technique used in fashion, interior design, and graphic design. It's a great way to create a sophisticated, cohesive look with a single-color family. make
  24. Livia

    Beauty Contests

    "Best in show" is a term used to describe a competition or event where various animals, such as dogs or horses, or dragons, are judged and ranked based on their physical characteristics and performance. In the context of a dog show, "Best in Show" is the top honor awarded to the best overall dog among all the different breeds and categories. This prestigious award recognizes the dog that best exemplifies the ideal breed standard, which includes criteria such as appearance, movement, temperament, and overall health. Winning Best in Show is a significant achievement for any animal and its owner, as it symbolizes the culmination of years of hard work and dedication to the breed. It is also an opportunity to showcase the best characteristics of the specie to the general public and celebrate the unique bond between humans and their animal companions. Thanks to dr Black and Mao Lemieux for sharing their pretties' pictures.
  25. Livia

    Verdant skin

    "Verdant" is an adjective that describes something as green, lush, and covered in vegetation. It is often used to describe areas with abundant plant life or landscapes that are rich with greenery, such as forests, meadows, and gardens. The word "verdant" can also be used metaphorically to describe something that is fresh, new, and full of life. For example, a writer might describe a young artist's work as "verdant" to convey that it is innovative and full of promise. Mystical Creatures released the first Legendary Edition Celebrating St. Patrick's Day! It's the 2023 Legendary Edition - Lucky Clover released on March 14, 2023, and available until March 28th. We got the the Verdant skin hidden into those LEs this lovely yellow and green combinations. Congratulations to all those that already have gotten their Verdants, and good luck to those still trying it!