• Mystical Creatures Town Hall Notes!

    If you missed the meeting here are the notes: A brand new Combo contest was decided: MC Halloween Combo Contest Dragon has to be born between   7/26 and 10/31 2 Halloween traits form previous Halloween LE  No double Elements 6 Non starter Traits  Mc Official Rumble is at 1 PM August 23rd to sign up please send a nc to Avalon Crystal before August 20th. Labeled with your name and rumble! 8 brand new Mutation Marking recipes! All older Mutation Marking recipes are no longe

    Avalon Crystal
    Avalon Crystal

    Things every breeder should Know!

    Hey Mystical Family! Hope today is going well! I wanted to take some time out to talk about a few things! First thing I want to talk about is what you should and shouldn't do from our group! The group is a safe space to talk about your breedables, seek help, or show off your new traits!  If you are lucky enough to get a new trait please show it off in the group and post to our website here: https://mysticalcreaturesamaretto.com/forums/forum/28-show-off-your-new-trait/ The gro

    Avalon Crystal
    Avalon Crystal

    From the Desk of Ava...........

    Hello Mystical Family! You know I start most connections out just like this! That is because I believe that we are a family and a community! I am writing this connection  with a heavy heart, right now I feel many people in the community are behaving in a way that is not ok.  Sadly this seems to be some of the most vocal people in our community. By that i mean the people who are at auctions and talking in our group.  I am MAD! I am over run with IMs about this person said this, or did

    Avalon Crystal
    Avalon Crystal

    Marking Lace Piebald!

    Hey Mystical Family! Its been a few days so I thought I would take a moment to show off something i really like! Its the brand new Marking: Lace Piebald! This one is pictured on a Fire Zuldrud!  You can get the new Marking Lace Piebald from breeding the 2024 Legendary Edition Monarch Dragons! You can read all about the LE's here which you have one more day to go get one if you havent!!! https://mysticalcreaturesamaretto.com/connection/news/2024-legendary-edition-mo

    Avalon Crystal
    Avalon Crystal

    July Mystery Sale 2024!!

    For the entire month of July at the Mystical Main store only you can pick up the Mystical Charm of Eternity is half price!  Remember these guys stay good until you use them soooo take advantage and pick some up because you never know when you might need them! SALE IS ONLY AT THE MAIN STORE LOCATION!! Here is your ride to the main store:   Go get your Mystical Charm of Eternity for half price!  Make today Mystical! 

    Avalon Crystal
    Avalon Crystal

  • Upcoming Events

  • Recent Status Updates


      Very excited to be accepted to host an official store and battle arena for Mystical Creatures everyone is invited to come by and help support the community we all enjoy! The Grand Opening will be tomorrow 7-27-2024 at 3PM SLT! 
      PS we have a Voice Lounge up in the air where like minded people are invited to come speak about dragons and breeding or just whatever you are feeling. 
      This is a Drama Free environment so please keep any gossip to DM's if you just can not.  Positivity people lets start with that energy and keep it going!

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    • markwick75

      I read Ava's message now, and I am honestly disappointed by the behavior of some people.
      I can't understand why all this. We should be a united family and help each other.
      Even in the best families there are problems, different points of view, but we discuss together to solve the problem.
      Bullying and threatening people is useless, so stop.
      enough with the threats, enough with this useless cowardice.
      anyone who needs help contact me I'm available to everyone.
      a respectful greeting to the whole family.
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    • starfruitnmangos

      Hey Dragon Breeders,
      It's only been a few months since my last post, so please forgive me for the delay.
      I'm sure most of you are aware of our current economic situation, which has kept my attention on real life. I've been slowly catching up on the new dragons and traits, and it's been exciting to watch the dragon community grow over these past few years. However, I've been feeling a bit quiet inside, disillusioned by the quest for cool traits and putting together projects. Birthing my first dragons felt like hatching my children, but my small breeding pool means I have fewer eggs to get excited about. On the flip side, I've become very selective about the eggs I hatch and keep alive. This has nurtured a new sense of fulfillment when I complete a project or receive an unexpected trait.
      Hatching a Jolly purple dragon with pretty little markings is incredibly satisfying. I've been working on a Jolly Java project, and boy, is it hard to put water traits on an earth dragon! It's almost been a whole year since I started this project, and some of you know that I've fallen in and out of love with the process. I still love my Jolly dragons and take pride in my work, knowing that it's not a common combination. It was created out of my love for colors and a holly writhe, giving off cozy cabin energy. The project is almost complete.
      Recently, I was lucky enough to grab the Rime skin—a trait I noticed a while ago but couldn't get. This sparked my creative engines again, leading me to hunt for a few other dragons to mate her with. At the same time, I learned how to possibly get the Lace Piebald marking by breeding the LE Monarch dragon. Heavy sigh, dragon breeders, because I'm at my cap of live dragons. I'd love to try, but I'd be better off waiting. I don't have much luck pulling traits until today.
      Waking up to a fresh dragon egg with a trait you haven't heard much about makes a person feel a little lucky. Even more bewildering is when neither of the parents hold the trait. This sparked my energy to write this post because breeding dragons is not easy. You fall in and out of love, but with time, you might build beautiful connections with some interesting people. Second life is just life-in.
      All that to say, I found a Dunes OP, and as a collector, I feel satisfied. I'm sure more will come on the market in the next few weeks, but I love some of the Dunes designer dragons I've come across. Do you ever stand back and just look at a dragon and go, "Woooow, look at this, hmm, yesssss, I love it"? You can tell when a breeder has taken the time to bring a dragon together, even if it's a plain Jane pure dragon. Pure dragons with matching elements take work and deserve a hearty pat on the back.
      Not everyone is lucky enough to pull off a designer dragon. Let alone get all the traits they want on one dragon in a timely manner. The dragon that dropped my Dunes OP was 84 days old. I was done with this dragon and she has redeemed herself today. On a different note I hear whispers of the Dunes Claw being the missing link. Good luck to you on the hunt, Dragon breeders.
      Happy breeding.
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      Hey how goes it! I am fairly new to dragons and just wanted to let everyone know I plan on using my Region as a Market / Auction House / Voice Hangout in the future with full intentions on following all Mystical Creatures guidelines. 
      Currently all are welcome to come by the Voice Lounge and hang out to talk about Dragons and play games. In world name is Region SLOTH - SOLACE SLUrl: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/SLOTH/103/115/2018
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    • Sugar

      Congratulations Trista 
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