MaggieMae Puddles

~Mystical Minion~
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Everything posted by MaggieMae Puddles

  1. Dear Breeders, Do you hum the song "Just Keep Swimming?" or Perhaps You sing "Under the Sea"? Mystical Creatures has the dragons for all you water lovers. Today we are going to spotlight "THE SHALLOWS" How did we get this amazing dragon? All the traits came from the Regal Fang LE. These traits do pass. I can't wait to see what designs you come up with using these surf winning shallow traits! This is Maggie Mae reporting live on trending news for Mystical Creatures.
  2. Thanks for your submission
  3. Thanks for your submission
  4. Thanks for your submission
  5. Thanks for your submission
  6. Awesome! Thanks for your submission!
  7. Love it! Thanks for your Submission
  8. Awesome! Thanks for your submission!
  9. Very Cool! Thanks For your submission!
  10. Awesome! Thanks for your submission
  11. Good Day Breeders! I hope everyone had a wonderful holiday and survived it This Christmas Mystical Creatures brought us the 2022 Legendary Edition -Dashing Reindeer. Dashing indeed! Hiding inside were some very handsome Antlers! Two different pigments Gold and Sleet. (Sleet horn pictured below) I have heard mixed reviews on the antlers but for me personally I like them! Do you want to know why? Of course you do Okay here is my thinking..... For the update that is coming out we are going to be able to battle our dragons......Don't you think a Dragon with a huge set of antlers on it is menacing! I mean come on.....think about it. Much more threatening then a dragon with a feather horn! Needs some inspiration? Check out these images I found. The Sleet and Gold Antlers do have the ability to pass. So grab a pair and go design that battle dragon! You will be happy you did when you show up to the arena! This Is Maggie Mae reporting live on trending news with Mystical Creatures.
  12. HO! HO! HO! Is everyone in the Christmas Spirit this year? I thought I would be the ghost of Christmas Past and talk about the very FIRST Christmas LE the Gingerbread. How adorable is this dragon! Look at his Christmas Candy Eyes, Gum Drop Claws, Candy Cane Horn and Gingerbread Ornament! DELICIOUS! The Christmas Candy eyes did pass! AND there were two hidden surprises the Snowflake Markings! Let’s take a closer look at those Snowflake Markings: The Snowflake Lace and Snowflake Sky are markings that can pass. Yes, they are indeed MARKINGS so, you cannot pass a Snowflake marking and a mutation marking on the same dragon. So, take a look at some of these traits from Christmas Past and incorporate them with some of the new Christmas Present traits that we should see dropping out of our new Christmas LE’s and our Christmas Gift Frosty. Oh! What Joy it is to design a Christmas Dragon today! This is Maggie Mae reporting live on trending news with Mystical Creatures.
  13. Awesome! Thanks for your submission
  14. Beautiful! Thanks for your submission
  15. Stunning! Thanks for your submission
  16. Awesome! Thanks for your submission
  17. Stunning!!! Thanks for your submission
  18. Love the Dragon Sugar Make sure you list the stats for our records If you have questions let me know. Hugs Maggie Mae
  19. Beautiful! Bonita Chica!!!! Thanks for your submission
  20. Gorgeous! Thanks for your submission
  21. Stunning! Thanks for your submission
  22. Amazing! Thanks for your submission
  23. Wow! Very nice! Thanks for your submission
  24. Awesome! Thanks for your submission
  25. Awesome Dragon! Thanks for your Submission