MaggieMae Puddles

~Mystical Minion~
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Everything posted by MaggieMae Puddles

  1. Awesome! Thanks for your submission!
  2. Awesome! Thanks for your submission!
  3. Awesome! Thanks for your submission!
  4. Awesome! Thanks for your submission!
  5. Awesome! Thanks for your submission!
  6. Awesome! Thanks for your submission!
  7. Awesome! Thanks for your submission!
  8. Dear Breeders, Did you know that dragons like to hang out at the Beach? (nods) Its a true story! Right now we have 8 bathing beauties slathering on sunscreen, dancing, playing volleyball, and doing all kinds of poses to catch the eye of an admirer! What! Are you saying that Dragons do not wear bathing suits? BRUH! I took pictures! A picture is worth a thousand words.....(coughs) Anyways let me introduce you to the MMOC LIFE IS A BEACH DRAGONS: Our 8 designer dragons are: (in no particular order) Regally Wicked Ace by Starfruitnmangos Aztec Crime by G Leeder Astorath by Toxic Desire Blood in the Water by Gemmy Jewell Summer Heat by Violet Morningstar Blazing Summer by Max Watermelon King by Len Zombie Beach by Thalia Arabello These bathing beauties will be there until July 31st so go check them out! Don't forget your sunscreen! Mystical Creatures/221/108/1015 This is Maggie Mae reporting live on trending news in Mystical Creatures.
  9. Dear Breeders, MMOC is having their very first beauty contest and its at the BEACH! 8 designers are bringing their summer inspired dragons to be judged in the glistening sand surrounded by the tranquil ocean. Sounds like a fun thing to check out? (nods) Here is your personal invite: Mystical Creatures/221/107/1015 Are you interested in entering your designer dragons in a beauty contests? Its easy to do! MMOC is planning their next beauty contest in October with a perfectly ghoulish goblin theme! The Contest is judge by an panel of independent individuals who do not breed dragons. Prizes and trophies for those who participate! Super cool! All you have to do is watch on the MMOC page, discord channel & connections on where and when to join! EASY PEASY! So start now in designing that perfect scary dragon This is Maggie Mae reporting live on trending news in Mystical Creatures!
  10. Dear Breeders, That's right a brand new marking was discovered today. How exciting! Should we take a peek??!!! This new marking is called: Mutation Mahogany Aurora. This Marking does in fact pass!!! How do we get one of these new markings you ask? Well let me just tell you You must breed any Earth claw to a Mutation Mahogany Fissure marking! I really really love this new marking! I can already name several dragon skins that this would be fabulous on! Happy Breeding everyone and have a great weekend! CHEERS! Maggie Mae
  11. AWESOME! Thanks for your submission
  12. Recently MMOC has gone through some staff changes. Unfortunately, the MMOC Beauty Contest got lost in the shuffle. We have rescheduled the event for set up on July 24 and the contest will run to the end of JULY for people to come and visit. If you are still willing to participate just give me a shout in world. I will give you the slurl to where you can set up on July 24th. Thanks again for you patience and participation. Hugs Maggie Mae
  13. Recently MMOC has gone through some staff changes.  Unfortunately, the MMOC Beauty Contest got lost in the shuffle.  We have rescheduled the event for set up on July 24 and the contest will run to the end of JULY for people to come and visit.  If you are still willing to participate just give me a shout in world.  I will give you the slurl to where you can set up on July 24th.  Thanks again for you patience and participation. 

    Hugs Maggie Mae   

  14. Recently MMOC has gone through some staff changes.  Unfortunately, the MMOC Beauty Contest got lost in the shuffle.  We have rescheduled the event for set up on July 24 and the contest will run to the end of JULY for people to come and visit.  If you are still willing to participate just give me a shout in world.  I will give you the slurl to where you can set up on July 24th.  Thanks again for you patience and participation. 

    Hugs Maggie Mae   

  15. Recently MMOC has gone through some staff changes.  Unfortunately, the MMOC Beauty Contest got lost in the shuffle.  We have rescheduled the event for set up on July 24 and the contest will run to the end of JULY for people to come and visit.  If you are still willing to participate just give me a shout in world.  I will give you the slurl to where you can set up on July 24th.  Thanks again for you patience and participation. 

    Hugs Maggie Mae   

  16. Recently MMOC has gone through some staff changes.  Unfortunately, the MMOC Beauty Contest got lost in the shuffle.  We have rescheduled the event for set up on July 24 and the contest will run to the end of JULY for people to come and visit.  If you are still willing to participate just give me a shout in world.  I will give you the slurl to where you can set up on July 24th.  Thanks again for you patience and participation. 

    Hugs Maggie Mae   

  17. Recently MMOC has gone through some staff changes.  Unfortunately, the MMOC Beauty Contest got lost in the shuffle.  We have rescheduled the event for set up on July 24 and the contest will run to the end of JULY for people to come and visit.  If you are still willing to participate just give me a shout in world.  I will give you the slurl to where you can set up on July 24th.  Thanks again for you patience and participation. 

    Hugs Maggie Mae   

  18. Recently MMOC has gone through some staff changes.  Unfortunately, the MMOC Beauty Contest got lost in the shuffle.  We have rescheduled the event for set up on July 24 and the contest will run to the end of JULY for people to come and visit.  If you are still willing to participate just give me a shout in world.  I will give you the slurl to where you can set up on July 24th.  Thanks again for you patience and participation. 

    Hugs Maggie Mae   

  19. Recently MMOC has gone through some staff changes.  Unfortunately, the MMOC Beauty Contest got lost in the shuffle.  We have rescheduled the event for set up on July 24 and the contest will run to the end of JULY for people to come and visit.  If you are still willing to participate just give me a shout in world.  I will give you the slurl to where you can set up on July 24th.  Thanks again for you patience and participation. 

    Hugs Maggie Mae   

  20. Hi Cyrax,


    Recently MMOC has gone through some staff changes.  Unfortunately, the MMOC Beauty Contest got lost in the shuffle.  We have rescheduled the event for set up on July 24 and the contest will run to the end of JULY for people to come and visit.  If you are still willing to participate just give me a shout in world.  I will give you the slurl to where you can set up on July 24th.  Thanks again for you patience and participation. 

    Hugs Maggie Mae   

  21. Awesome! Thanks for your submission!
  22. Awesome! Thanks for your submission!
  23. Awesome! Thanks for your submission!
  24. Awesome! Thanks for your submission!
  25. Awesome! Thanks for your submission!