MaggieMae Puddles

~Mystical Minion~
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Everything posted by MaggieMae Puddles

  1. awesome dragon! Thanks for your submission
  2. awesome dragon! Thanks for your submission
  3. awesome dragon! Thanks for your submission
  4. awesome dragon! Thanks for your submission
  5. awesome dragon! Thanks for your submission
  6. awesome dragon! Thanks for your submission
  7. awesome dragon! Thanks for your submission
  8. awesome dragon! Thanks for your submission
  9. awesome dragon! Thanks for your submission
  10. Awesome! Thanks for your submission
  11. Thank you for your submission
  12. awesome Dragon! Thanks for your submission
  13. awesome Dragon! Thanks for your submission
  14. awesome dragon! Thanks for your submission
  15. Awesome Dragon! Thanks for your submission
  16. Amazing Dragon! Thank you for your submission
  17. Awesome Dragon Dolly! Your submission however can not be accepted because there has already been a dragon that has been accepted with these traits. I want to thank you so much for submitting your dragon for consideration. Huggies Maggie Mae
  18. Love it! Thanks for your submission
  19. Dear Breeders, I have seen some really awesome dragons being posted in the group! I know that you have worked long and hard on those dragons. A lot of blood. sweat, and tears (cussing, kicking the dirt, giving dirty looks, and snarling) went into creating that dragon. But! Oh when you drop your perfect dragon and you dance around, Thank the gods, Kiss your dragon and then post it in the group.......but then what? Don't feel deflated! REGISTER YOUR TRENDSETTING DRAGON WITH MMOC! WHAT! You don't know what I am talking about? You never knew you could register your perfect precious baby? Yes! My dear friend you can register that dragon and claim it as YOURS! How cool is that! So cool. So before you start having an anxiety attack.....This is so easy to do! Let me show you an example: First take a picture of your dragon. Next go to the Mystical Creatures website and at top at your home you will see the tab: More. On that tab you will see a drop down menu and at the bottom of that menu you will find MMOC. Click on that. Under the forums you will see: Trendsetting Dragons. To Register your Dragon you will choose: Start New Topic. Now for the Title put the name of your designer Dragon. Now list the traits of your dragon. Just the traits only please. Once that is done you will insert your picture. You have now just registered your trendsetting dragon! Someone from the MMOC team will check your dragon and make sure that no one else has registered that design and will say in the comments: Thank you for your submission. Should you have any questions you can always contact me or any officer in MMOC. I hope to see your trendsetting dragons soon! This is Maggie Mae reporting live on trending news in Mystical Creatures.
  20. *SIM NAME: Gonzaga Valley *SIM OWNER NAME: Maggie Mae Puddles *SIM SIZE: Full Sim *SLURL: Autumn/24/166/32
  21. Thanks for your submission
  22. Thanks for your submission
  23. Thanks for your submission
  24. Thanks for your submission
  25. Thanks for your submission