
~Mystical Minion~
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MaxMc444 last won the day on June 18 2024

MaxMc444 had the most liked content!


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  1. Can't wait!!
  2. Mafia Breedables Auction sim Heart/49/71/29
  3. Dragoness Aether: 0% Exhausted: 24% Mood: 69% Ardor: 0% Skin: Ruby Element: Earth Eye: Shrieking Phantom Claws: Bloody Phantom Horn: Feathers Horn Pigment: Bloody Phantom Ornament: Spikes Ornament Pigment: Bloody Phantom Marking: Mutation Wisteria Fissure
  4. Hallowed Monster
  5. Thank you Karma
  6. Drake Aether: 1% Tranquil: 68% Mood: 94% Zeal: 44% Genos 2 Skin: Fruzayl Element: Air Eye: Freedom Flare Claws: Fire Ceondet Horn: Feathers Horn Pigment: Brimstone Ornament: Leafage Ornament Pigment: Flare Marking: Mutation Rose Aurora
  7. Thanks Star
  8. geeze, I should have used this windlight...
  9. Dragoness Aether: 1% Tranquil: 52% Mood: 100% Ardor: 0% Skin: Brimstone Element: Fire Eye: Juicy Watermelon Claws: Fire Ceondet Horn: Stone Horn Pigment: Brimstone Ornament: Leafage Ornament Pigment: Aglaonema Marking: Mutation Rose Aurora
  10. gorgeous Adam!!
  11. right...! hahaha!
  12. Adam!!!!! Look at the dragon!! *not the breeder LOL
  13. Fabulous Wyatt!!!! So gorgoeus
  14. Recently MMOC has gone through some staff changes.  Unfortunately, the MMOC Beauty Contest got lost in the shuffle.  We have rescheduled the event for set up on July 24 and the contest will run to the end of JULY for people to come and visit.  If you are still willing to participate just give me a shout in world.  I will give you the slurl to where you can set up on July 24th.  Thanks again for you patience and participation. 

    Hugs Maggie Mae