Grey Cloud

~Mystical Minion~
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Grey Cloud last won the day on July 29 2023

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  1. So you have the perfect dragon but something is just a little off...hmmm what to add or change. Maybe start at the top? Maybe you need a new style of horn on your dragon? Why not check these out, they might be the solution to your dilema. When Mystical Creatures were released on Sept 15, 2021 there were 4 different horn styles for the 4 different Elements that your dragon could be. On April 15, 2022 Mystical Creatures released the 2022 Legendary Edition - Elegant Zephyr hiding was the new Zephyr Horn! In Dec 2022 Mystical Creatures gave the community 2022 Legendary Christmas Gift - Frosty for Christmas hiding was the new Antlers Horn!
  2. Grey Cloud

    Sleepy Dragons?

    Well Mystical Creatures has the perfect solution so you can keep your dragons awake and continue digging or get that special Egg to drop. Mystical Electrum Essence!! Mystical Electrum Essence is one time use Electrum Essence will increase one of your dragons energy by 25%. This stat booster can only be used on a dragon once in a 24 hour period How do you use this amazing item? 1. Open boxed Electrum Essence and rez next to the dragon you wish to increase the energy of. 2. Click the dragon and go to the Absorbables option on the menu. 3. Find Electrum from the options on the menu and click it.
  3. Grey Cloud

    Chosen Dragons

    Today let's take a look at Chosen Dragon Skins. Chosen Dragons DO NOT pass their Skin or Other Pigments however they can pass their EYE!! How do you get one? Well it's all about luck when you breed any two dragons together. What are their stats: Skin: Chosen Dragon - Ti'creal, The All Seeing Element: Air Eye: Ti'creal Claws: Ti'creal Horn: Feathers Horn Pigment: Ti'creal Ornament: Feathers Ornament Pigment: Ti'creal Good luck everyone!!
  4. Grey Cloud

    Dragon Blueprints?

    Crafting is where a lot of the fun is with our Dragons right? Of course, it is. You can ride your dragon and find items by digging and then save them up and craft something unique. (Remember you can get the blueprints by digging also.) So let's take a look at what you can make in crafting after digging. Treasure Chest - Small Map Piece - 1 Wood - 20 Leather - 7 Treasure Chest - Large Map Piece - 3 Wood - 50 ANY Metal - 30 Dragon Horns Chitin - 25 ANY Gemdust - 4 Dragon Statue ANY Material - 75 Iron - 45 ANY Gemdust - 4 Glowing Orb Cat - 1 Back Pack ANY Fabric - 45 ANY Metal - 12 ANY Gemdust - 4 Dragon Plush ANY Fabric - 30 ANY Gem Cat - 1 ANY Gemdust - 4 Ornate Dragon Horns Chitin - 45 ANY Gemdust - 4 ANY Metal - 100 ANY Gem Cat - 1 Claw Necklace ANY Metal - 30 ANY Gem Cat - 1 Ornate Dragon Statue ANY Metal - 60 ANY Gem Cat - 1 Glowing Orb Cat - 1 ANY Gemdust - 8 Brilliant Sapphire Azurite Dust - 3 Water Essence - 3 Radiant Ruby Rubicite Dust - 3 Fire Essence - 3 Soul Gem Air Essence - 2 Water Essence - 2 Earth Essence - 2 Any Gem Cat - 1 Gallant Emerald Emerite Dust - 3 Earth Essence - 3 So why not get out there and start digging and crafting with your Dragon today.
  5. TO ALL CONTESTANTS - NOTECARDS WITH INSTRUCTIONS AND LANDMARKS TO WHERE YOU CAN SETUP FOR THE CONTEST WILL BE SENT OUT ON THURSDAY, JULY 6th - PLEASE BE SURE TO SETUP NO LATER THAN 12 NOON SLT FRIDAY, JULY 7th - IF YOU DO NOT GET YOUR NOTECARD PLEASE CONTACT ANY MMOC Officer in-game. THANKS FOR YOUR PARTICIPATION!! Don't miss the MMOC Summer Splash!! So, we all know you might not be able to make that perfect summer Dragon with available traits, so this contest is a little different. Create your best Dragon and then put them in a summer themed setting. This can be at the beach, camping, playing games or anything else that you associate with Summer. Please note you cannot use any LE's as the dragon in the design. Set up will be Thursday, July 6th. The contest will run from Friday, July 7th at 2PM (SLT) thru Monday, July 10th at 12PM (SLT). All judging will be done by people outside of breeding to make this as fair as possible to the participants. As always, you have a chance to win some awesome Mystical Creatures goodies! Space is limited to 20. So, sign up NOW! To sign-up: Copy the information below Paste it into the ‘reply to’ area at the bottom of this page Fill in the necessary information Click submit! ___________________ START HERE ____________________ #1 Breeder's Name: Name of the project: ___________________ END HERE ____________________ THIS MUST BE YOUR OWN CREATION!! If you have any questions please message any MMOC officer
  6. So, I hear, you want to show off your Dragons and not breed them? That's fine but you will still want to make sure they are fed until you can turn them into an Eternal Dragon (which is after they turn 100 days old), so how do you keep them fed and not allow them to breed? Arid Crystals!! One Mystical Dragon Feracious Crystals/Mystical Dragon Arid Crystals will last 1 dragon approximately 4 weeks. Mystical Dragon Feracious Crystals are for dragons you wish to breed once they reach 5 days old. Mystical Dragon Arid Crystals are to be used when you do not not wish to breed your dragons. If you decide to breed your dragon after feeding it Mystical Dragon Arid Crystals, it will take 7 days on Mystical Dragon Feracious Crystals for the effects of the Arid Crystals to ware off. 1. Rez the crystals within your dragons set range. (a dragons default range is 10 meters) 2. Can click the crystals to change options and see remaining %. Options include owner only, group only, and all. owner only: Will only be consumed by the owners dragons. group only: Will only be consumed by dragons in the same group as the crystals are set to. all: Any dragon within range of the crystals will be able to consume it. So now you can keep your Dragons from breeding but still keep them on display!!
  7. So since we just had our very first MMOC Nest Hunt I figured now would be a good time to give a wrap up. We did have a slight issue where there was only suppose to be one winner for the Dragon Prize but it ended up being copy in the hunt prim, luckily Avalon an Josie didn't get upset and did agree to send out prizes to everyone who won. All prizes have been sent, everyone should know have their trophies back from Sprinkles. If you have not received your prize or trophy please contact an MMOC officer! We ended up having 14 Sims involved and gave out around 1,500 Dragon Nests out. Which is fantastic for our first hunt. Watch for more events coming up!!
  8. The hunt is now on!!! To start go to: Mystical Creatures/10/124/33 and click on the sign to get the Hunt Clues and Directions and then head out to get hunting. You are looking for Eggs, but they can be any color or size at the Hunt Location. Remember to rez everything you collect as there is a special surprise out there somewhere. Good luck everyone!!
  9. Grey Cloud

    The Chosen Dragon!

    Happy Easter/Chocolate Bunny Day!! Hope everyone is having a great day today. Today let's look at a Chosen Dragon, Ti'creal, The All Seeing. Have you been lucky enough to get one? If not, let's all drool at how amazing this Dragon is: Sadly this skin cannot pass but the fabulous eye can: Good luck to everyone in getting this incredible Dragon!!
  10. Grey Cloud

    M.M.O.C - Egg Hunt

    We have now announced our very first MMOC Egg hunt which will be held from April 7th - April 10th 2023. If you have a SIM or Market Place please sign up to have your SIM included in the hunt at: If you don't already have a Donation Dragon on your Sim we will bring one to you. If you don't have a Sim or Market Place and want to participate please contact any MMOC Officer for an invite to the group before April 7th since we cannot allow any invitations to be sent once the hunt starts.
  11. Hunters will be busy looking for awesome eggs, along with super amazing Mystical Creatures prizes. The 1st MMOC Nest Hunt will begin on Friday, April 7th at 11:00 a.m. (SLT) and end on Sunday, April 10th at 11:59 p.m. (SLT). If you would like to be a host sim or parcel in this hunt, don't delay! Applications will be limited to 15 Sims. Simply copy the information marked with an asterisk (*) below Paste it into the ‘reply to’ area at the bottom of this page Fill in the necessary information Click submit *SIM NAME *SIM OWNER NAME: *SIM SIZE: *SLURL: Donations are REQUIRED to be a sim in the hunt. For a full sim the minimum is 100 eggs and for anything under a full sim it would be 50 eggs. If you have any questions please contact any MMOC officer. Thanks in advance. Grey!!
  12. Grey Cloud

    Stone Dragons

    Do you love Stone Dragons? No not the ones that you think but one's with a Stone Fissure? This amazing trait came from the 2022 Legendary Edition - Sterling Steel Although you can't buy this dragon from Mystical Creatures anymore, if you have some you didn't birth you would still have a chance to get the Fissure. Or you can find some with the Fissure already and breed even more since the marking does have the ability to pass.
  13. Grey Cloud

    Luck of the Irish?

    Last year Mystical Creatures offered some amazing Random Drop Dragon eyes and with St. Patrick's Day approaching I figured we should look at last yea's St. Patrick's Day eye. This amazing eye only dropped on St. Patrick's Day but does have the ability to pass once you have been lucky enough to get it into your Dragon breeding. So will you have the luck of the Irish this year (if there is a random drop)?
  14. Grey Cloud

    Birthing Dragons?

    So, starting with your Dragons is pretty easy, if you are buying a starter dragon from Mystical Creatures or an LE you can just birth the Dragons however if they are Dragons, you bred or brought from someone else who was breeding them then you will first need to incubate them before you can birth them. You will need a Mystical Dragons Incubator: These are free from any Mystical Creatures store. To use them you would just click on your Dragon egg that you want to eventually birth and click on incubate. Make sure you do have an incubator close. You can have as many incubators as you want on your SIM.
  15. Grey Cloud

    Arid Crystals!

    Let's talk today about the Mystical Creature Arid Crystals. Most of us want to breed our dragons so will usually want to use the Ferocious Crystals, there are times when the Arid Crystals are better to use. For example, your Dragon is over 100 days old but you are not ready to make them Eternal, you would want to keep feeding them so they won't turn to stone. Or if you want to keep your non-Eternal Dragons on display, you would need to keep them healthy. Who wants a museum of stone dragons, right? How do you use them, that's as simple as any consumable: 1. Rez the crystals within your dragons set range. (a dragons default range is 10 meters) 2. Can click the crystals to change options and see remaining %. Options include owner only, group only, and all. owner only: Will only be consumed by the owners dragons. group only: Will only be consumed by dragons in the same group as the crystals are set to. all: Any dragon within range of the crystals will be able to consume it. Now what happens when you want to breed that dragon again, simply change their food back to Ferocious Crystals. But you will have to wait seven days for the effects of the Arid Crystals to wear off.