Izzie Michaels

~Mystical Minion~
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Izzie Michaels last won the day on October 22 2020

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  1. OMG The dragons are sooooooo cute. I just wanta squeeze them and hug them.


  2. I'm sooooo excited we're getting closer. Hope Everyone is doing great.. hugs for everyone.

    1. Renee Redgrave

      Renee Redgrave

      I am also very excited! These dragons are sooo adorable, I just wanna hug them and love them.

    2. Izzie Michaels
  3. Love the profile picture thats awesome!! ?

  4. Woot its the weekend. Hope you all have an amazing weekend.

  5. Happy Tuesday. I hope everyone is having a great day!

  6. Happy Thursday everyone!

  7. Congratulations and welcome to the group!! So happy for you. ?

  8. I hope everyone is having an awesome Tuesday!

  9. Congrats and welcome to all the new people that have joined YAY! 

  10. I am sooo excited that i was chosen to be part of the beta testing community. I cannot wait till we get our dragons to get this started.

    I just want to say congratulations and welcome to everyone that has made it, and thank you for letting me be apart of this grand new adventure.

  11. Congratz and welcome to the group.. yay!!

    Its sooo exciting isnt it.

    1. Ged Garside
    2. Ged Garside

      Ged Garside

      Excited about several things now ?

  12. Congrats!

    1. Izzie Michaels

      Izzie Michaels

      Thank You!  I'm Sooo Excited to be here

    2. hikariamaya


      I bet! I messaged Joe as soon as they posted your name! I was omg yay!! Theyre going to be so excited!