
~Mystical Minion~
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hikariamaya last won the day on October 3 2020

hikariamaya had the most liked content!

About hikariamaya

  • Birthday March 9

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  1. I'mmm dreaming of a white Dragon for christmas!!!

     Just like the ones I used to know
    Where the treetops glisten and children listen
    To hear sleigh bells in the snow

     I'm dreaming of a white dragon for Christmas
    With every Christmas card I write
    May your days be merry and bright
    And may all your Christmases be white


  2. Good Morning Beta Testers! 

  3. Beta is gonna be awesome with Candy and you in it! ?

  4. Congrats!

    1. Izzie Michaels

      Izzie Michaels

      Thank You!  I'm Sooo Excited to be here

    2. hikariamaya


      I bet! I messaged Joe as soon as they posted your name! I was omg yay!! Theyre going to be so excited!


  5. Just saw the Beta group has hit 100 members YAY!!! Hopefully more are added today ? So exciting ? 

  6. Party was fun lol tiring but fun. We even had a earthquake!!! Time to get some horsey chores done this morning after ARU class lol

  7. Today is my daughters 2nd birthday party. Oh lord... I hope it goes ok... Prep starts at 4am lol

  8. Almost time for ARU class. ? then back to the barn to help sort through Skip with his bundles for sale lol 

  9. Downside of living in California 2020... Wildfires... its so smokey i thought it was fog for a second... At least I have my auctions to keep me busy since the little terrorist (2 year old) is napping. 

  10. Messing with my Corgis and Honey Bee Beagles and debating what to do for the night sides laundry and cleaning xD

  11. It was funny when I got a message from my friend telling me Congrats! I was o.O then at the Community Meeting the original group invite poofaged on me D; They were pretty cool and resent it to me ❤️ I counted and Im #31 yay!