Esyhl Resident

~Mystical Minion~
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Esyhl Resident last won the day on June 9 2022

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About Esyhl Resident

  • Birthday 11/20/1988

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  1. Happy St. Patrick's Day! I hope everyone had a lucky day!

    That random drop eye surprise. Wow. That was awesome. Congrats to all who got it!


    Luck wasn't really on my side today, in a lot of ways. Not a single Egg of mine today produced the eye to start... but every single egg today was in no way helpful to progressing my projects. Usually an egg has traits I am working on from parents. Today's eggs just seemed to pull as many odd ball or starter traits from the background as possible for all of my dragons. That was a bit of a damper... but that's part of the breeding game. I've had a lot of GREAT luck previously.


    And then I had my MRI to find out what is going on with my knee. I got some of the worst situational news I could have from it. The Meniscus was expected to be torn, but now it is expected to be WORN. It's Degenerative. What was a work place injury that was covered and getting me partial wage reimbursement while I recovered, just became due to an underlying pre-existing condition. I very likely just lost my workman's comp/temp disability payments, AND I have an injury that science hasn't come far enough to solve. There are ways to manage the pain and try to keep as much function as possible for as long as possible throughout my life, but it will never be "okay" again. I'm a mess of emotions tonight, and just wanted to share that here so that people who have gotten to know me and/or follow me, understand why my presence may change a bit in the coming days. I need to wrap my head around this, see what the medical professionals tell me next week, and well... see if I can return to work soon or not. I'd have a very hard filing for disability because I can do work sitting... but getting a desk job was something I really wanted for more than 10 years and every attempt resulted in letters rejecting even an interview.


    Anyways... The very big life change has directly affected the amount of Dragon Breeding I can maintain. I just had to retire out of Commercial Breeding tonight and decide what projects I can maintain on a smaller personal scale. I'll still be following dragons and collecting, but no longer really funding breeding more than one or two pods. I don't feel very lucky this year.


    Again, I really hope everyone else had a good lucky day, and got lucky drops!