Esyhl Resident

~Mystical Minion~
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Esyhl Resident last won the day on June 9 2022

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About Esyhl Resident

  • Birthday 11/20/1988

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  1. Once again I have completely rotated my pods. A lot of it has been subbing in better offspring with traits, but I just had to make room to rotate in an entire ruby project. Now let's see if the  Nessies and the Drake will behave and combine their traits.

    My Peppermints are still being very stubborn as well. Everything is there, but they just don't wanna give up that perfect egg quite yet.

    This morning I saw another Ascension Zenith Prism Nessie for sale... My wallet is weeping. I'm breeding her out and then she is my SL Daughter's when it comes time to retire. She already loves her. I'm still curious if I might see a trait pass.


    THAT NEW ENKINDLER! I would post the image that's circulating but I don't think it's right of me to since I don't own it or the image. But wow. That Zuldred Surprise is a true Show Stopper, Heart Skipping, Stunner! So of course I just cleared out one of my pod projects in hopes that a new starter pod might give me one. I love it. I want to name it Fafnir after the dragon from the Gaia Online lore. Please oh Please, Dragon Lords above, bless me with a single Fafnir!