Esyhl Resident

~Mystical Minion~
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Esyhl Resident last won the day on June 9 2022

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About Esyhl Resident

  • Birthday 11/20/1988

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  1. What are some features you'd like to see in a future update?


    We have the ability to wake a dragon at 30% sleep, but not the ability to let our dragon know it's okay to sleep. They won't sleep until 0% and then you can't wake them until 30. I've seen this affect some live bid panels. Wouldn't it be nice to plan a bit and let the dragon sleep sooner? Maybe you wish to take the dragon on an outing and want it to be rested more. EDIT: I realized this would defeat the purpose/use of the energy booster, so maybe this idea won't hold water.


    We finally have ancestry! But can we make that available with a web link directly through the status menu? This would bypass a step for potential buyers not having them to take the UUID and make the URL or search the dragon/egg.


    Could we maybe see the offspring of a parent in the ancestry? This could be helpful in selling parents of a successful line and helping prove that they are passing traits reliably in the RNG. I can see breeders and buyers benefiting from this.


    These are just some ideas I've had for a future update. I don't know if these ideas are already out there or being considered. What do you as a user or fan of the dragons wish to see?

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