Esyhl Resident

~Mystical Minion~
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Esyhl Resident last won the day on June 9 2022

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About Esyhl Resident

  • Birthday 11/20/1988

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  1. A while back I saw my dream dragon. Such a beauty but I couldn't afford her when she came up at auction. I happened to find her again a few days later after the auction, and she was still for sale. I was gone for a week and came back curious if I might find her again after finally securing some funds. She was gone... but to my surprise there was another young girl there that was identical and from the same line. Even though this isn't physically the same dragon, it is still the dream dragon I was hoping to someday make. Someone made it before me and I'm thankful because honestly I'm a collector more than a breeder... especially trying to make a designer work out.

    Thank you to this breeder, and all of the breeders who are out there working to make beautiful difficult combinations available.


    Also, I named her Selene.

    Mer Nest_016.png

    1. Sugar


      Can we see a picture of her would love to see it 

    2. Esyhl Resident

      Esyhl Resident

      The picture should be there ?

    3. Sugar