Esyhl Resident

~Mystical Minion~
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Esyhl Resident last won the day on June 9 2022

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About Esyhl Resident

  • Birthday 11/20/1988

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  1. Just built my first targeted pod. Ultimately, I wish to build a Fruzayl Skin/Pigment(horns and ornament) on Spike Horns or Fin Horns, with Stone Ornament. Then the Ripple Sky Marking. Dad is in the back, all Mom's in rotation are in the front.

    Aiming for a white or blue eye. Dad has white, two of the moms have blue. Some of them have supportive backgrounds, some I have to go by the non-hidden traits to start. I'll be able to build one of my dream dragons from this lot, and maybe even start to work on what may one day be a strong line. Who knows. But here's the messy start. Wish me luck! (I also have a new momma that I love her colors... the one on the far right. Aurora is the black one and already one of my favorites).

    Mer Nest_010.png