Esyhl Resident

~Mystical Minion~
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Esyhl Resident last won the day on June 9 2022

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About Esyhl Resident

  • Birthday 11/20/1988

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  1. I went to my first class today (class 3 - Dragon Breeding). Even though I've had dragons laying eggs this past week and had a general idea of what can happen breeding, the class really opened my eyes to the possibilities... and for me at least, the importance as a breeder of starting from starters, or a very trusted line... but you can never fully guarantee the line. Knowing that there is a set of the Visible Traits, and one set of Hidden Traits... and that only those go in to the mix of the offspring, really cleared things up. It's still a very involved effort though to get that nice fairly clean line going where you feel confidence in the traits being passed. I have a new high appreciation for the breeders who have taken the time, money, and mental focus to help achieve some reliable lines.

    Thank you for today's class!