Esyhl Resident

~Mystical Minion~
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About Esyhl Resident

  • Birthday 11/20/1988

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  1. So here's an update! After the initial post I have seen the blog update about quality of life changes for the event including ovens at affiliates and more spawners, as well as a an extension in to Friday evening so people who have weekends off can do a quick run through of everything before it ends. There was even a complimentary free cake due to people having to obtain an updated basket and losing those ingredients stored. That was very kind of the devs. Thank you! Thank you for taking the time to make these changes for the event on short notice, especially with it being a free complimentary event. And thank you again in general for the gift of the 1 year anniversary events.
  2. Hello! First of all, I would like to make it very clear that this thread is intended for constructive feedback. Don't just focus on aspects you didn't like, but build on how it could be improved upon, and why that might benefit people without taking away from the experience of earning the prize. I saw some great success in the first afternoon of this event. There were a good handful of people who were able to make enough cakes to redeem the prizes they wanted in one night. However, I see aspects of the system (just from what can be observed by an outsider with no access to code) that could be tweaked for the future. One of the first things I discovered immediately, and that others were already taking advantage of, was that it was very easy to use the area search tool for this event. Some proof of this is that if you watch item spawns in area search, the item is gone as fast as it spawns even when the spawn point is never quite the same. The spawners had a recognizable owner, meaning all spawns were recognizable by that owner. The names of the items were also very straight forward and easy to search. In some cases for huge community hunts on popular brands they find ways to discourage area search. One of the biggest "problems" I saw this year was that the hunt items were not scripted to have a range check like the ovens. If people wanted to, and I'm sure they did, they could click an item from a distance by camming, or even more conveniently by touching it in the area search menu. It didn't matter how far away the person was. The items also disappear after 1 person finds it, so others have to wait for the next. It reached a point already within hours of the first evening that if you didn't use area search, you would be sniped from ever seeing spawns. Since the spawn rates weren't enough to keep up with this 'exploit', many people were stuck waiting for the more requested items and unable to make any progress if they didn't join in on the exploit. This type of issue is amplified by the very limited window of the event. For collectors, a 3 day window for active breeders only is a great opportunity to make a turnover on the new dragon skin. On the other hand, that 3 day window during a work week, especially at the beginning of the week and not on a holiday, results in many people having to choose to miss the event for the sake of their 40+ hour a week jobs. A typical working hour job in a time of economic uncertainty. These same people are likely the ones who were able to use that income to support Mystical Creatures on the business side of things over the past year by buying in to the breedables. People being responsible about their offline life (which should always come first) are possibly being forced to miss out due to the short window with no weekend overlap. The above mentioned exploits certainly give them reason to either join in on the exploit and hinder those that haven't discovered it (or wish to play fair), or not participate. There is feedback on day 1 floating around from people who were not enjoying the event, because they just don't have hours to compete like this. The birthday event shouldn't have been a cutthroat competition. It should have been a fun easter egg hunt for ingredients. The balance isn't there and favors the people who understand the SL system tools. And then those that enjoy an honest hunt currently have no chance of doing just that. Please take this feedback with an open mind towards future projects. The community loves these gifted opportunities and yes, users do get entitled... but currently this truly feels like a balancing issue with the experience.
  3. Here's one more post, thanks to a family member participating in the event currently! If you do not know what the hunt items look like, here they are in her basket. They appear the same in the basket as they do in the hunt.


  4. Want some information about The 2022 Legendary Edition - Molten Soul? This is the Birthday Dragon Egg released today to celebrate 1 year of Mystical Creatures! Below is a picture of the dragon welp, and the picture on the box the egg comes in, which shows the adult dragon. I feel like the picture on the box isn't doing it enough justice though. We'll see it in full beauty when it grows!

    BTW, these are pictures provided by an SL family member.



  5. I am in love with the new Blaze Baby. I sort of wish it had feather horns, but it's so good as is. I still want to get the Enkindler some day before I cut down on breeding, but these babies were worth grabbing. Thank you again to the artists!

  6. Coming to terms with the fact my pod will never drop an enkindler. I'm fine.?

  7. Today was a good day. I saw the new dragon and picked it up but didn't hatch it yet. The only way I could fit it in a spot was if I rotated out my ruby project. I've been waiting for a Ruby Skin Drake to drop to mix with my triple Female of other Ruby Traits. It did, so I was able to start that couple and rotate out my doubles. Now I had room for the new dragon but here was the new struggle:

    I needed it to be a female. I have a male and female Zenith, and thought it might be cute to add the bold rainbow to the prism rainbow. I hatched the egg... and it was a girl! I guess all of my dragon rotations today were meant to be.


    Now if only my Zuldred Pod would get its act together and make me an enigma LOL

    Thank you Mystical Creatures for the Good Friday Surprise!




    People may have noticed I suddenly disappeared. I'm still out of work currently but there have been a lot more appointments following that up and reviewing my status weekly, and it's been overlapping my usual time I was at Sirens. I haven't been able to scout pricing and what's out there for weeks so I've just fallen back to checking in on my pods and logging. I may be returning to work after next week pending a better review of my injury improving, but I'm also in the process of applying for a different career as the injury is always going to be there going forward in some fashion. So I'm doing alright, just sorry I haven't been taking extra time to be on and active in the dragon community.

    1. Sugar


      i got a girl to and i am going to mate it with my zenith DEVO glad u had a good day huggies  i called my girl Happy Birthday cause Easter day is my b day woot lol

  8. My beautiful girl Aurora, one of my first Dragons and one of the reasons I became a breeder, has reached her point of Ancient Wisdom. Rest well my baby girl. Today marks the start of your forever journey with me as an Ancient ❤️

    Mer Nest_026.png

    1. Sugar


      yay she is with my Hal woot congrats 

  9. Happy St. Patrick's Day! I hope everyone had a lucky day!

    That random drop eye surprise. Wow. That was awesome. Congrats to all who got it!


    Luck wasn't really on my side today, in a lot of ways. Not a single Egg of mine today produced the eye to start... but every single egg today was in no way helpful to progressing my projects. Usually an egg has traits I am working on from parents. Today's eggs just seemed to pull as many odd ball or starter traits from the background as possible for all of my dragons. That was a bit of a damper... but that's part of the breeding game. I've had a lot of GREAT luck previously.


    And then I had my MRI to find out what is going on with my knee. I got some of the worst situational news I could have from it. The Meniscus was expected to be torn, but now it is expected to be WORN. It's Degenerative. What was a work place injury that was covered and getting me partial wage reimbursement while I recovered, just became due to an underlying pre-existing condition. I very likely just lost my workman's comp/temp disability payments, AND I have an injury that science hasn't come far enough to solve. There are ways to manage the pain and try to keep as much function as possible for as long as possible throughout my life, but it will never be "okay" again. I'm a mess of emotions tonight, and just wanted to share that here so that people who have gotten to know me and/or follow me, understand why my presence may change a bit in the coming days. I need to wrap my head around this, see what the medical professionals tell me next week, and well... see if I can return to work soon or not. I'd have a very hard filing for disability because I can do work sitting... but getting a desk job was something I really wanted for more than 10 years and every attempt resulted in letters rejecting even an interview.


    Anyways... The very big life change has directly affected the amount of Dragon Breeding I can maintain. I just had to retire out of Commercial Breeding tonight and decide what projects I can maintain on a smaller personal scale. I'll still be following dragons and collecting, but no longer really funding breeding more than one or two pods. I don't feel very lucky this year.


    Again, I really hope everyone else had a good lucky day, and got lucky drops!

  10. Once again I have completely rotated my pods. A lot of it has been subbing in better offspring with traits, but I just had to make room to rotate in an entire ruby project. Now let's see if the  Nessies and the Drake will behave and combine their traits.

    My Peppermints are still being very stubborn as well. Everything is there, but they just don't wanna give up that perfect egg quite yet.

    This morning I saw another Ascension Zenith Prism Nessie for sale... My wallet is weeping. I'm breeding her out and then she is my SL Daughter's when it comes time to retire. She already loves her. I'm still curious if I might see a trait pass.


    THAT NEW ENKINDLER! I would post the image that's circulating but I don't think it's right of me to since I don't own it or the image. But wow. That Zuldred Surprise is a true Show Stopper, Heart Skipping, Stunner! So of course I just cleared out one of my pod projects in hopes that a new starter pod might give me one. I love it. I want to name it Fafnir after the dragon from the Gaia Online lore. Please oh Please, Dragon Lords above, bless me with a single Fafnir!

  11. I may have missed it, but I didn't see a place on the website or the forums to post our feedback (positive, or constructive). To start this post off, I would really like to see a place in the forums where the community can talk about what they want to see in the future. With that said, I hope that this thread is alright. One feature that I am a little on the fence about is having to do with the Eternal Dragons. If you use the charm, you don't need to feed the dragon anymore and since it's beyond breeding age you don't have to worry about mood stats. You do, however, have to worry about energy. I understand a dragon/pet needing its sleep, but once it has the eternal charm it still requires being rezzed out when it hits 0 energy (as it can still lose energy) and need a recharge. One of the perks of an eternal pet is usually that it doesn't NEED to be rezzed out somewhere to be used. If a Dragon is tired, you cannot wear it as a companion or mount. I feel like this is a reasonable request to find a way to not require the rez/rest once made Eternal with a charm. It's not always easy to have a place for the dragon pet to be rezzed out resting. Another odd thing I've seen with the Eternals is that sometimes if they are in your inventory for too long (I haven't figured out what is too long yet), if you put it on, it will fail to attach as if it needs sleep. When I finally do rez it out, the dragon is sick for a moment (stone) and needs to rejuvenate itself and transform back to healthy. The process does this automatically once rezzed... but in a way this shouldn't happen at all to an eternal dragon should it? On non-eternal (or any) Dragons, the only thing I'd like to see changed in the future is being able to ground sit with my dragon. Sometimes you just want to be somewhere with your companion close by in a no-rez area, and being able to sit sometimes is preferred to not be bumped in to, or just because you want to sit on furniture while hanging out. I understand that the auto-detach on sit was enabled due to an exploit found in digging somewhere before I started up dragons. I'm hoping that maybe the development team is still interested in finding a different workaround. ---------------------------------- If you read this, thank you for your time! I hope that it's seen that the reason I am even thinking about suggestions like this is because I truly love the product you have made. These Dragons are the best breedable I have seen in SL, and the skins are remarkable. I've become very invested in these. The suggestions I'm making are really based on issues I am running in to in every day life as a Dragon Collector who wants to wear them and show them off all the time throughout SL. Thank you again to all of the staff and testers!
  12. Oh boy... My Peppermint project just doesn't want to behave. I'm getting great eggs from them, but not the right combination I need. At least I have more dragons to work with if these ones don't pass. I have all Summer to figure them out.

    1. Sugar


      what do you need maybe i can help hugs

    2. Esyhl Resident

      Esyhl Resident

      No worries I'm really close. I have all of the parts and they jus taren't all passing on the final dragon yet lol Thank you though ❤️

    3. Sugar


      ok huggies

  13. OMG finally some good news. After failing to auction off some of my adored dragoness, one of the girls had 90% ardor so I figured "alright. I'll give her another try with the pink Tolrae". Welp. They dropped their egg. 3x tolrae xaytud eye, ruby horns (feather). Ornament is stone. This is a dream combo for me. Thank God she didn't move at auction. I've been dying for ruby traits on pink and she just delivered ?


    Pics tomorrow. I'm on mobile and haven't even logged in to incubate the baby.

    1. Esyhl Resident

      Esyhl Resident

      Age: 0
      Skin: Tolrae
      Element: Air
      Eye: Air Xaytud
      Claws: Air Tolrae
      Horn: Feathers
      Horn Pigment: Ruby
      Ornament: Stone
      Ornament Pigment: Air TolraeMer Nest_020.png

  14. Last night I finally got my Ascension Dragon! I will admit I obtained it in the market, but I am so happy to have this girl!

    I've named her partly after "The Chariot". My first Tarot Deck (and only one) was themed after Dragons, and I dreamed about it the night before. I wasn't even looking for it. I didn't even know it existed. I was seeking an entirely different deck. I had dreamed about a golden dragon the night before as well. My Mother told me that the dream was a sign, and that I should definitely be getting the Dragon Tarot (she was helping me shop for it). Later, in the deck, I discovered that there was a Golden Dragon on one, and ONLY ONE of the cards in the entire deck; The Chariot. This was also already deemed as my representing card. Whenever I was overusing my deck and asking the same thing over and over it would throw me a reversed Chariot to tell me to stop going in circles, one of the times that I could feel the deck actually speaking to me (even if it was to tell me I was being a dumb child).

    The Ascension Dragon is very important to me due to these memories. I thought I'd share this. Say Hello to Hoshiko | The Chariot.spacer.png

    Mer Nest_017.png

    1. Esyhl Resident

      Esyhl Resident

      I'm tagging this on as the other thing going on today. I didn't want this part to be on the front page because my focus is NOT advertising.


      I decided that I need to reorganize my pods and choose a direction to stick to right now with what I do have, even if it's not the big thing right now. I combined some of my favorite Dragon Photos from my land in to one photo, and created a sign to represent me as a small time breeder. I'm really happy with the edit, and I think actually having a bit of a plan on what projects I'm going to specialize in and rotate in will be good for me.

      Dragon Store Sign SMALLER.png

  15. I went to see how my pet dragons were doing (these guys are not being used to breed at all, they are personal babies), and I found them naturally like this. I think this is the cutest thing I have seen. ?

    Mer Nest_012.png