virelai Zenovka

~Mystical Minion~
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virelai Zenovka last won the day on October 9 2024

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  1. Really beautiful!
  2. gorgeous! I will be ready when my karat H will decide to pass his marking lol!
  3. finally...I! Skin: Zemraidu Element: Air Eye: Flarenacht Claws: Flarenacht Horn: Feathers Horn Pigment: Flarenacht Ornament: Feathers Ornament Pigment: Flarenacht Marking: Mutation Mulberry Ripple
  4. Really amazing!
  5. Gorgeous!
  6. MV Line Fresh Mint Skin: Fruzayl Element: Air Eye: Water Qandaes Claws: Water Qandaes Horn: Feathers Horn Pigment: Water Qandaes Ornament: Feathers Ornament Pigment: Water Qandaes
  7. MV Line (Morgan Virelai) has been conceived with the partnership of мOяƓαƝ کραrƙ for dragons design. Our best with passion! Qanduk : Skin: Ukeinth Element: Fire Eye: Water Qandaes Claws: Water Qandaes Horn: Spikes Horn Pigment: Water Qandaes Ornament: Fins Ornament Pigment: Water Qandaes Marking: Fissure Pine