jaypod001 Resident

~Mystical Minion~
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jaypod001 Resident last won the day on October 21 2021

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  1. i knew i was right  it was soo soon yay i love this journey

    1. Revan Salamander

      Revan Salamander

      This is for Beta though?

    2. jaypod001 Resident

      jaypod001 Resident

      that  is why  it is amazing  journey 

      age 2 dragons_001.png

    3. jaypod001 Resident

      jaypod001 Resident

      that  is why  it is amazing  journey 

      when you walk thru time  unfold mysteries from the past  come to unknown  many uncentries  can not  be found  the love of  dragons can be  found with in the Asian wall in written times has been capture in our hearts  and opened mind with golden treasures are fulfilled royalties in their way  and understanding there balance of the yin  and yang