jaypod001 Resident

~Mystical Minion~
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jaypod001 Resident last won the day on October 21 2021

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  1. volcano air is  my  name  

    you  never  fire  with air  now  

    you  have   with flare  of  fire  


  2. wow i really love it 

    piney earth is my name

    Skin: Earth Xumenth
    Eye: Earth Xumenth
    Claws: Fire Zuldrud
    Horn: Spikes
    Horn Pigment: Fire Zuldrud
    Ornament: Spikes
    Ornament Pigment: Air Xaytud
    Marking: Fissure Pine

    and i love my markings 

    piney earth_001.png

  3. wow  

    my family is growing 


    my sweet dragon family_001.png



      nice collection totally cool.

  4. Water Air n Fire is my name 

    Skin: Water Gayvrenth
    Eye: Air Xaytud
    Claws: Fire Zuldrud
    Horn: Spikes
    Horn Pigment: Fire Zuldrud
    Ornament: Spikes
    Ornament Pigment: Air Xaytud

    Water Air n Fire.png

  5. hugs my name is

    Earth Air n Water

    Skin: Earth Xumenth
    Eye: Air Xaytud
    Claws: Air Xaytud
    Horn: Spikes
    Horn Pigment: Water Gayvrenth
    Ornament: Stone
    Ornament Pigment: Earth Xumenth

    Earth Air n Water_001.png

  6. my name is Earthair

    Skin: Earth Xumenth
    Eye: Air Xaytud
    Claws: Air Xaytud
    Horn: Spikes
    Horn Pigment: Fire Zuldrud
    Ornament: Feathers
    Ornament Pigment: Air Xaytud


    1. Ronja


      My Name is  Shari
      Version: 1.0
      Age: 0
      Aether: 0%
      Charged: 96%
      Mood: 63%
      Ardor: 0%
      Skin: Fire Zuldrud
      Eye: Air Xaytud
      Claws: Air Xaytud
      Horn: Stone
      Horn Pigment: Earth Xumenth
      Ornament: Stone
      Ornament Pigment: Air Xaytud


  7. My name is Airfire

    Skin: Air Xaytud
    Eye: Air Xaytud
    Claws: Fire Zuldrud
    Horn: Fins
    Horn Pigment: Water Gayvrenth
    Ornament: Feathers
    Ornament Pigment: Fire Zuldrud


  8. awesome baby alert

    Fire Air n Water

    Skin: Fire Zuldrud
    Eye: Air Xaytud
    Claws: Water Gayvrenth
    Horn: Feathers
    Horn Pigment: Air Xaytud
    Ornament: Spikes
    Ornament Pigment: Fire Zuldrud

    Fire Air n Water.png

  9. another awesome baby


    Skin: Fire Zuldrud
    Eye: Water Gayvrenth
    Claws: Water Gayvrenth
    Horn: Fins
    Horn Pigment: Water Gayvrenth
    Ornament: Fins
    Ornament Pigment: Water Gayvrenth

    mc dragon 2_002.png

  10. my new


    Skin: Earth Xumenth
    Eye: Fire Zuldrud
    Claws: Earth Xumenth
    Horn: Spikes
    Horn Pigment: Fire Zuldrud
    Ornament: Stone
    Ornament Pigment: Earth Xumenth

    mc dragon_001.png

  11. i know we are still haveing problem with  the  vrs 8 nexues 

    1. Josie Wright

      Josie Wright

      If there is an issue please file a support ticket. At this time we have no reported issues

    2. jaypod001 Resident

      jaypod001 Resident

      it ok  i  understand  the issues

  12. How old when they stop breeding?
  13. i knew i was right  it was soo soon yay i love this journey

    1. Revan Salamander

      Revan Salamander

      This is for Beta though?

    2. jaypod001 Resident

      jaypod001 Resident

      that  is why  it is amazing  journey 

      age 2 dragons_001.png

    3. jaypod001 Resident

      jaypod001 Resident

      that  is why  it is amazing  journey 

      when you walk thru time  unfold mysteries from the past  come to unknown  many uncentries  can not  be found  the love of  dragons can be  found with in the Asian wall in written times has been capture in our hearts  and opened mind with golden treasures are fulfilled royalties in their way  and understanding there balance of the yin  and yang 

  14. I know  the  adventure  is  coming  i  am so excited  to  see how much it has evolve and grown  to make this far  the process is more overwhelming  and inspiring dictation into awesome details