Ҝίţţέή ŃίģħţŞόήġ

~Mystical Minion~
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Ҝίţţέή ŃίģħţŞόήġ last won the day on August 4 2024

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  1. I stepped into the Dragon World because my Partner is a massive Dragon fanatic. I had never really bred anything before the Fennux almost 8 years ago, and while they were cute, they never held my attention for long. My complete and utter fascination arose within the Dragon community when I saw the first Ceondet skin. I told my Partner that that would be my project.  Starting off with just the skin and waiting the months to piece together the individual traits, this skin was always incredibly pretty to me. At one point, I think I had over 30 Ceondet traited dragons out at once, which consisted of my entire collection.  I was so proud to finally get my first pod of 5T Elemental Ceondets that I bred them 4 generations in. Now, I can idly pick an egg free and tweak when new markings come out.  The Smolder Peach was a lovely accent, the Smolder Ruby reminded me too much of Ketchup on fries.... The Fissures were never a favorite of mine,  although I have many Datentud/Ceondet mixes with the Charcoal Fissure.  I find I've got quite a soft spot for the Smolder.  This Lemon Smolder is a hard won and almost impossible to be agreeable and easy pass, appearing as almost a ghost like imprint, that won my need to make her Eternal. Hello Ms PopCorn 🙂


    1. Avalon Crystal

      Avalon Crystal

      Great breeding strategy!