Avalon Crystal

~Mystical Officer~
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Avalon Crystal last won the day on March 12

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  1. A lengthy trek to to Mystical Creatures isle, home to Tia’Malcara............ When you land, Tia’Malcara is there to greet you fondly, bowing her head in reverence, only to be startled as a hatchling runs headlong into her hind foot. The fireling circles her foot, ‘roaring’ at the larger Fire adolescent in pursuit. She shoos them away, and the pair go bouncing away excitedly. “Never a moment's rest!” She chortles happily. “They grow up so quickly, though, so I enjoy this as long as I am able.” You nod in agreement, they’re only so cute for so long. But you’re here on the matter of her concerningly brief invitation. “Oh! Apologies. I would’ve written more, but the Hatchlings were trying to eat my pen. Well then, you’re here now so, please, walk with me.” She beckons, turning her great mass such that her wing shields you from the noon-day sun. You ask her what was so important, that she’d summon you so suddenly, as you walk along beside her. The island is quite abuzz with activity. Caretakers and Dragons alike are hard at work erecting wooden stands and banners. Garlands of fire crystals are hung across the walkways. Lanterns are set up all along the ground, ready to be lit. It looks like preparation for a.. Festival, of sorts, but it is not quite ready. The journey continues....
  2. Let's embark on a journey to the enchanted realm of the dragons............. Your day begins, much as it always has. You groggily rise from bed, awakened by the excited chitterings of hatchlings at play. They’ve found their way into your domicile, and ransacked your belongings, in search of a tasty treat to snack on. So you set about tidying up their mess when you come upon a deep red envelope, sealed with a golden wax stamp in the shape of a swirling 4 clawed paw print. It's only been slightly chewed and slobbered on. Carefully, you break the seal, and find a piece of folded parchment inside. As you unfold it, you take in the beautifully written calligraphic text. Tia’Malcara wishes to speak with you. Her letter is surprisingly short, making you wonder if her summons are of an urgent nature. Without a moment to lose, you don your attire, and mount the back of your most steadfast, loyal Dragon. Away we go! What could this be about? Do you know? Stay tuned to find out!
  3. Hello Mystical Family! I hope everyone is having a great tuesday, i know im still adjusting to time change and i bet a few of you are too. We have been very busy lately and im excited to announce some fun stuff very soon. In the meantime, I wanted to talk to everyone about something serious, I have gotten some messages lately that make me very sad. Harassing, bullying, stalking, and a few other behaviors have bee reported to me. The Mystical team are all residents of Second life just like you. This means that we do not have any special powers to handle issues that obviously need to involve a linden. I have reached out to Linden Labs about some of the behavior that has been going on, unfortunately at this time I was told they are not visiting any communities. They did want me to make sure that I am sharing with all the community how important it is to file abuse reports to make them aware of any behavior that violates Second Life Terms of Service. When to file an abuse report? Abuse occurs when someone violates the Second Life Terms and Conditions (ToS) or the Community Standards (CS). Every Resident agrees to abide by these rules upon joining Second Life. Some special areas, such as Infohubs, have additional restrictions called the Welcome Area Guidelines. Whenever you see one of these rules being broken and you believe it to be intentional or malicious, everyone present at the scene should file an abuse report. If there are multiple incidents, file multiple reports. File reports on any abuse you witness in addition to abuse that targets you personally. Not every Resident is aware of the abuse-reporting system or remembers to use it, so please help out your fellow Residents! Reports from multiple people underscore the seriousness of an incident. How to file an abuse report To file an abuse report, do any of the following: Choose Help > Report Abuse from the menus at the top of your Viewer window. To directly report another Resident, right-click their avatar and choose Report To directly report an object, right-click the object and select Manage > Report Abuse. The REPORT ABUSE window opens, displaying a snapshot of what is onscreen at that moment and the relevant identifying information if you selected an avatar or object. If the snapshot helps clarify the issue, check Use this screenshot. Screenshots can be very helpful visual evidence; include them whenever appropriate. If the report is about an avatar or object , click the abuse button to fill in the relevant information automatically. Click Select category and choose a category. If you don't see a category for the particular incident you're reporting, select the closest option you can find and explain in the Details field. The Location of Abuse field is filled in automatically with your current location. Change to specify a different location. In the Summary field, write a concise, one-line summary, much like an email subject line. Be brief yet precise. Use the Details field to give as much pertinent information as possible to help Linden Lab assess the incident. Be specific about this incident, with times and locations if possible. Click Report Abuse to submit the abuse report. What happens when an abuse report is filed You receive an automated response by email. If you need to add more information after submitting a report, please submit a new report. We try to resolve abuse issues as quickly as possible, but response times vary depending on the number of backlogged abuse reports. For privacy reasons, we are unable to share the details of an investigation into an abuse report. Once your report has been submitted, we'll take it from there. Often all it takes to curtail an issue is an official warning. In most cases, a Resident who violates our Terms of Service and/or Community Standards is given several opportunities to rectify his or her behavior before banishment occurs. In all cases, the Resident's disciplinary record is reviewed to determine an appropriate response. Serious abuse may result in account suspensions or permanent bans. The length of a suspension is determined by the nature of the abuse, previous violations, and how many people are affected. If you want to read more about abuse reports please visit this site: https://community.secondlife.com/knowledgebase/english/filing-an-abuse-report-r25/ I would encourage all of you that if someone is behaving in a manor that viaolates Second Life Terms of Use that you send an abuse report. If you need some help filing an abuse report please reach out. I do hope this helps! I Make today Mystical!
  4. Hey Mystical Family! I hope everyone is having a great day! Guess what its HUMP DAY! We are almost thru the week! So I was talking with a few Dragon breeders earlier (Big shout out to everyone who came) and they were telling me that they did not see the new horn and ornament. So lets shine the light on these new traits! If you haven't seen or heard we have 2 new traits that were found the Imperial Horn and the Flameseeker Ornament! Lets take a look at both: Now you have seen them lets talk about them! Where did these come from? Well if you breed any of the 2025 Valentines Day Edition Dragons you have a chance to get one of these! Both the Flameseeker and Imperial are considered Fire Element traits! What is awesome is that both of these DO have the ability to pass and will work with all the normal Horn Pigments and Ornament Pigments! I hope that you guys enjoy these new traits! Keep your eyes out for these in the market and in your breeding! Make today Mystical
  5. Hey Mystical Family as we talked about at the community meeting Mystical Creatures is now offering the ability to gift our products! What does this mean? Well this changes the way all Mystical Creatures vendors work, here is a step by step guide on how to buy gifts and purchase items for yourself. Buying for yourself: 1. Touch the vendor 2. Select Buy - local chat will say "Mystical Potion of Healing (Vendor): Pay box to confirm" 3. Touch the vendor 4. Pay the vendor the amount you want to purchase - local chat will say "Mystical Potion of Healing (Vendor): Your purchase will be delivered shortly 5. Check your inventory - local chat "An object named Mystical Potion of Healing (Vendor) gave you this object: 'Mystical Potion of Healing, Single pack (Box)' )" 6. Enjoy your item! Buying for someone else: 1. Touch the vendor 2. Select Gift 3. Enter uuid and enter - local chat "Mystical Potion of Healing (Vendor): Attempting to find avatar 0308d115-fd8f-4db4-844c-80ffb3dc5de5" Mystical Potion of Healing (Vendor): Would you like to gift this item to Avalon Crystal 4. Select yes 5. Pay the box the amount you want to purchase- local chat "Pay the box to gift to 0308d115-fd8f-4db4-844c-80ffb3dc5de5" 6.Item is sent- Local chat "Mystical Potion of Healing (Vendor): Your purchase will be delivered shortly" Its that easy! Now one more thing I want to talk about is how to get a uuid of an avatar. If you pull up anyones profile, you will see under the name there is a Key, this is the avatars uuid. Please copy and paste the users key into the pop up box when prompted. If the avatar key is not valid you will be told that XXX-XXXX-XXXXX not found, try the user's avatar key again. You will have to begin the entire process over again. In this example you will see that my uuid is 0308d115-fd8f-4db4-844c-80ffb3dc5de5 While we are talking about vendors, I have seen people who filed tickets stating they did not accept their purchase or they accidentally declined. Well I will tell you my trick for that is a simple setting! In your settings you can see there is an option to Automatically accept new inventory items, i never accidentally decline anything using this option it just goes right into my inventory! We do hope you enjoy the ability to purchase gifts, so get to gifting! We are currently rolling these vendors out starting the main stores, so please be patient until all vendors are updated! Make today Mystical!
  6. Hey Mystical Family! How is everyone today! I hope that everyone had a great weekend! Some of you have been asking about the monthly mystery sale. Since the monthly Mystery Sale has stopped, we bring you the Pop Up Sale! A Pop Up sale can pop up at anytime! We will always tell you how long it will last! For the remainder of the month of March the Mystical Charm of Eternity is half priced!! Remember these guys stay good until you use them soooo take advantage and pick some up because you never know when you might need them! These items are only on sale at Main Store so head on over and take advanatage of this sale before its gone!! Here is your ride: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/The%20Mystical%20Creatures/97/185/35 Make today Mystical!
  7. Hello Mystical Family! It is that time again!!! What time you ask? Time for you guys to create your best dragon! Thats right its time for the 2nd Legendary Edition Design Contest! Lets talk about the rules first! 2nd Legendary Edition Design Contest Rules: *Must be original art work (not a picture taken from google or the Internet) *Must not break SL TOS, you can read over Secondlifes TOS here: https://www.lindenlab.com/legal/second-life-terms-and-conditions *Must not be Trademarked or Copyrighted designs you can read up about Intellectual Property here: http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Intellectual_Property *Must be within good taste and not offensive *No AI generated Images will be accepted! *Mystical Creatures reserves the right to accept or reject any design *You are only allowed to submit one design per avatar, only designs from active breeders will be accepted, NO ALTS We have also made some awesome templates for you guys to use this time! These are printable to you can print them and color them in rl! So even if you arent the best artist hopefully these templates will help and encourage you to give it a whirl! You do not have to use a template but we thought this might make it easier for some! Remember we are not looking for the best art, we are looking for most creative idea, our design team will make the art! You can find all the templates here: https://mysticalcreaturesamaretto.com/forums/topic/10075-2nd-legendary-edition-design-contest-rules/ How do you submitt your design? Head on over to https://mysticalcreaturesamaretto.com/forums/forum/32-2nd-legendary-edition-design-contest/ Start a new topic and include a photo and any details of your design! If you have any questions please reach out! You have until March 19th to submit your design! I can not wait to see what you guys create!
  8. Hello Mystical Family! Its time for me to give you guys some official news on the Kinship Dragon! I have seen a few of these posted and i know you guys are interested in the details around the Kinship - Mother of Pearl! Here is what the stats of every Kinship - Mother of Pearl will be: Skin: Kinship - Mother of Pearl Element: Water Eye: Mother of Pearl Claws: Mother of Pearl Horn: Fins Horn Pigment: Mother of Pearl Ornament: Fins Ornament Pigment: Mother of Pearl You will not be able to add or change the traits on the Kinship - Mother of Pearl. How do you get one? Well breed together siblings that have a water element skin! Siblings are 2 dragons that have the same mother and father. Water element skins that qualify are as follows: Water Gayvrenth Seadream Water Sossurth Water Qandaes Water Zaetus Shallows Verdant Rime Azulis Abyssal Soul Tranquil Waters Lets take a closer look at the Mother of Pearl eye! I think this dragon is absolutely stunning! The Kinship - Mother of Pearl DOES NOT have the ability to pass its skin! However Mother of Pearl traits DO have the ability to pass from the Kinship - Mother of Pearl Dragon. In the future we plan to expand on the Kinship Dragon with other elements and skins so keep your eyes out for information in the future regarding siblings! I hope you guys like this dragon as much as we do! Make today a Mystical one!!!
  9. Its time for the Mystical Town Hall Meeting! We start at 1 PM SLT don't be late! http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/The Mystical Creatures/15/246/32
  10. The Rumble will be @ 2 pm at the Main store arena! Bring your dragon and be ready to Rumble!! http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/The Mystical Creatures/128/85/32
  11. Please join fellow breeders in talking about community standards, and other things about the 3rd party markte! Starts @ 1 pm everyone is welcome!!! http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/The Mystical Creatures/19/119/31
  12. Hello, Mystical Family! I hope everyone is having a fantastic day! February is the month of LOVE, and Valentine’s Day is just around the corner! I know you've all been eagerly awaiting the next Mystical Creatures Legendary Edition, and the time has finally come the first Legendary Edition of 2025 is here! Feast your eyes on these stunning beauties: 2025 Valentine’s Day - Ravishing Romance & 2025 Valentine’s Day - Burning Passion! These magnificent dragons will be available from February 11, 2025, to February 25, 2025! Important Details: The skins of the 2025 Valentine’s Day Dragons do not have the ability to pass. However, their enchanting eyes do have the ability to pass! These dragons also hold the power to give you sweet surprises. including hidden treasures from the 2.0 update! Let’s use this special month to spread Mystical love far and wide! Make today Mystical!
  13. Hey Mystical Family! We had a great meeting with great attendance! If you were unable to attend there are some things you missed and def need to know about! We have a new Dragon Moderator Ash Evergarden! So official MC Mods are: мOяƓαƝ (xoxomorganxoxo) Draelle Chandler ᴀsʜ 永 (ash.evergarden) These people are always here to point you in the right direction if you need assistance! If you would like to be a mod please contact Avalon Crystal! Minx Razor has stepped down with the MMOC, however we have some breeders who are excited to step up and keep the ball rolling if you are interested in MMOC please contact Rαуɗєη Mιяяσя EмeяαƖɗ Ɛνєηѕтαяя (rayden.evergarden) or Draelle Chandler. We decided to have the following events in Feb Dragon Race Rumble Round table meeting We talked about the youtube and how everything is there step by step for everything you can do with your dragon: You can find them here https://mysticalcreaturesamaretto.com/help-videos/ Reminded everyone about the breeding contest: The Impossible Dreams Contest Egg must have dropped between: Dec 27th until April 30 6 different traits 3 different elements We talked about how you guys would like to have a web market feature built in, and that you guys really liked the fur on the Christmas LE, and would like to see a 7th trait. Then i spilled all kinds of tea for breeders! Here is a big one: Breed together siblings that have a water element skin! Siblings are 2 dragons that have the same mother and father. Water element skins that qualify are as follows: Water Gayvrenth Seadream Water Sossurth Water Qandaes Water Zaetus Shallows Verdant Rime Azulis Abyssal Soul Tranquil Waters Then I gave you guys 3 breeding challenges! 1. Breed together Baron Skin with Antlers Sleet 2. Breed together Leafage Caladium with Datentud Skin 3. Breed together Ruby skin with Charcoal Piebald Marking It doesn't matter which parent has which trait as long as 1 parent has 1 and the other parent has the other! I can't wait for you guys to see some of the surprises!! I know you guys will enjoy them! Make today Mystical!
  14. Avalon Crystal

    Preterra skin!

    Hello Mystical Family! I hope everyone is having an amazing day! I just wanted to take a moment to share something exciting—a newly discovered skin that’s been making waves! A few of you have reached out, asking if it’s real, so I’m here to clear up any doubts and show it off. Check out this incredible Preterra skin! That’s right—it’s a sleek, solid black skin! I know some of you have been eagerly waiting for this one, and it’s finally here! How can you get your hands on one? It’s simple! Breed any starter or Limited Edition (LE) creature released after the 2.0 update. Congratulations to the lucky individual who discovered this skin! Keep an eye out—you could be next! Make today Mystical!
  15. Hello Mystical Family! Friyay is here and im excited! I wanted to drop a line or two to talk about the The Impossible Dreams Contest! At the last community meeting we spoke about our next Dragon contest! This contest has been dubbed the The Impossible Dreams Contest!! (ty Rayden for coming up with the name!) So here are the rules: Egg must have dropped between: Dec 27th until April 30 6 different traits 3 different elements Submission must be birthed, no one can judge an egg! 6 different traits means no matching elements, horn pigments, skin, eye, or claw. For example: Skin: Dawnlight Gale Element: Air Eye: Ignata Claws: Tranquil Waters Horn: Stone Horn Pigment: Flarenacht Ornament: Spikes Ornament Pigment: Soulfire Marking: Lace Piebald But you still gotta make it look good! This does seem like it will be a fun contest!!! If you have any questions please ask! Make today Mystical!