Athena Naminosaki

~Mystical Minion~
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Athena Naminosaki last won the day on November 12 2021

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  1. Ever Growing Family ^^ <3


  2. My Earth girl Gen 1 keeps doing this? lol its no biggie looks kinda cool. but I am confused by it. It comes and goes. but now just decided to stay lol one of Her eyes is foggy o.o


  3. When u get super sad seein Beta gifts when you couldnt even get in despite following best u could through RL since the first sign of Dragons T^T There I am just enjoyin my strolls with my Dragons and BAM, Now I sads T^T

    1. Athena Naminosaki

      Athena Naminosaki

      That mofo was a Blank FB page felt like forever and then BOOM all the sudden I saw Beta but couldnt find any way to get in T^T Asked so many ppl... UGH Nothing I can do now but be sad v.v 

  4. Forgot to post me w/ the babiesss ❤️ 
