~Mystical Minion~
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  1. I was always a horse and k9 breeder. I love to play with them and see what they can do. Until recently, I had not given dragons a second look. That changed when I saw this baby: 

    I told everyone who would hear that the coat would be the reason to go dragon hunting and egg hatching. 

    My journey started 9 days ago when I hatched my first Sossurth! I am up to 20 now. 

    So, a few days back, this baby was welcomed into the family:

    Gender: Dragoness
    Age: 1
    Skin: Kinship - Mother of Pearl
    Eye: Mother of Pearl
    Claw: Mother of Pearl
    Horn Element: Fins
    Horn Pigment: Mother of Pearl
    Ornament Element: Fins
    Ornament Pigment: Mother of Pearl
    Marking: None
    Ascended: No


    It was love at first sight!!  I am hooked!
