
~Mystical Minion~
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Everything posted by MaxMc444

  1. Can't wait!!
  2. Mafia Breedables Auction sim Heart/49/71/29
  3. Dragoness Aether: 0% Exhausted: 24% Mood: 69% Ardor: 0% Skin: Ruby Element: Earth Eye: Shrieking Phantom Claws: Bloody Phantom Horn: Feathers Horn Pigment: Bloody Phantom Ornament: Spikes Ornament Pigment: Bloody Phantom Marking: Mutation Wisteria Fissure
  4. Hallowed Monster
  5. Thank you Karma
  6. Drake Aether: 1% Tranquil: 68% Mood: 94% Zeal: 44% Genos 2 Skin: Fruzayl Element: Air Eye: Freedom Flare Claws: Fire Ceondet Horn: Feathers Horn Pigment: Brimstone Ornament: Leafage Ornament Pigment: Flare Marking: Mutation Rose Aurora
  7. Thanks Star
  8. geeze, I should have used this windlight...
  9. Dragoness Aether: 1% Tranquil: 52% Mood: 100% Ardor: 0% Skin: Brimstone Element: Fire Eye: Juicy Watermelon Claws: Fire Ceondet Horn: Stone Horn Pigment: Brimstone Ornament: Leafage Ornament Pigment: Aglaonema Marking: Mutation Rose Aurora
  10. gorgeous Adam!!
  11. right...! hahaha!
  12. Adam!!!!! Look at the dragon!! *not the breeder LOL
  13. Fabulous Wyatt!!!! So gorgoeus
  14. MaxMc444 Blazing Summer