
~Mystical Minion~
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About Ariana

  • Birthday 12/21/1987

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  1. Are there any dragon groups or places to ask questions besides status updates? I have a few questions.

    How long does it take ardor to go up?

    How long does it take to get 1 genos?

    I feel like neither of these are going up with my dragons they stay stuck at 0 or 56

    1. Sugar


      I CANT TELL U HOW LONG FOR GENO BUT I CAN TELL U ONCE THE MALE HAS A GENO IT WILL GROW ONCE IT HAS THE GENOS PLUS AROUND 45 MORE HE GIRLS SEEM TO GROW AT AROUND 97 OR 98 ADORE just don't watch its like paper dryin lol come hang inworld yell at me maybe i can help lot of us are here if u need anything 

    2. Sugar
    3. Sugar


      hey make sure u go inworld and go to the main sim and add your self to the two groups the one to ask questions and then there is an advertising group also cheers