
~Mystical Minion~
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Everything posted by starfruitnmangos

  1. As the seasons passed in the realm of Etherealia, the Crystal Dragon Guardians continued their noble duties, mining crystals, and protecting the harmonious balance of their mystical land. One tranquil afternoon, the realm experienced a gentle breeze that carried the fragrance of blooming flowers. Seraphina, with her keen eye, noticed a peculiar object washed ashore near the riverbank.

    Curiosity piqued, the guardians gathered around the mysterious object. To their astonishment, it was another message in a bottle. It seemed that fate had once again guided them to an enigmatic communication from a distant realm.

    They carefully uncorked the bottle and revealed a parchment adorned with shimmering ink, hinting at a mystical origin. The script seemed to dance with ancient magic, written in a language unknown to the guardians.

    With the wisdom of the dragons and their deep connection to the crystals, they invoked their ethereal bond to understand the message. As the words were revealed, they felt a sense of wonder and trepidation, for the message spoke of an ethereal realm beyond their own—a realm seeking their aid.

    "To the esteemed Crystal Dragon Guardians of Etherealia, we beseech your help in a time of darkness. Our realm, once a haven of harmony, has been afflicted by an encroaching malevolence. A dark force threatens to consume our land, and we have sought you in our desperation."

    The message continued, recounting the trials faced by the realm beyond, beseeching the Crystal Dragon Guardians to share their wisdom, magic, and crystal-infused powers to aid in the battle against the malevolent forces.

    Seraphina and her fellow guardians gathered in a solemn circle, contemplating the weight of the message. They felt a deep sense of responsibility, knowing that their powers could be a beacon of hope for the realm seeking their aid. Yet, they were also cautious, aware of the delicate balance they had to maintain in Etherealia.

    Elara, with her steady voice and wise counsel, acknowledged the importance of their decision. She reminded the guardians of the harmony they had cultivated in their realm, the delicate equilibrium that allowed Etherealia to thrive.

    After much contemplation and seeking counsel from the dragons, the Crystal Dragon Guardians made their decision. They would offer their aid to the realm in need, but they would do so with utmost care, ensuring that their actions would not disrupt the harmony of Etherealia.

    With the renewal of the spent soul gem still fresh in their hearts, the guardians knew the power of selfless sacrifice. They would embark on a journey, using the energy of the crystals to form a portal that could bridge the realms for a brief moment.

    As the portal opened, a beam of iridescent light connected Etherealia to the realm seeking their aid. They sent their essence and wisdom through this celestial bridge, offering support and guidance to those in need.

    The connection between the realms was brief but potent, for the Crystal Dragon Guardians had channeled their magic with great care. As the portal closed, the guardians felt a sense of fulfillment, knowing that their aid would have a profound impact on the realm beyond.

    In the days that followed, the guardians received a message of gratitude from the realm they had helped. Their assistance had brought hope, and the power of harmony and unity had begun to push back the malevolent forces.

    Once again, the Crystal Dragon Guardians continued their duties, cherishing the harmony and enchantment of Etherealia. They understood the importance of extending their aid to those in need while protecting the balance of their mystical realm.

    And so, the guardians carried on, ever vigilant, mining crystals, protecting the realm, and embracing the ethereal wonders that surrounded them. Each day, they stood as beacons of wisdom and harmony, ensuring that the light of Etherealia would continue to shine brightly, guiding those who sought solace, magic, and the timeless enchantment of their extraordinary world.

  2. One eventful day in the realm of Etherealia, as the Crystal Dragon Guardians continued their diligent duties, they stumbled upon a sight that filled them with both curiosity and concern. Amongst the shimmering crystals and mystical wonders, they discovered a spent soul gem, its once radiant glow now faded to a mere glimmer.

    Seraphina, ever the vigilant guardian, was the first to notice the spent soul gem lying amid a bed of crystals. She gently picked it up, feeling a faint echo of its dormant energy. The other guardians gathered around, their expressions mirroring both confusion and compassion.

    As they inspected the gem, they noticed intricate engravings on its surface, reminiscent of a forgotten language. Its presence puzzled them, for soul gems were known to hold the essence of living beings, capturing their energies and memories. To find one spent and devoid of its vibrant aura was a rare and perplexing occurrence in the realm of Etherealia.

    Elara, their wise leader, gathered the guardians in a circle, their hands gently resting on the gem. They closed their eyes, seeking to connect with its energy and unveil the mystery it held.

    In their meditative state, the guardians experienced flashes of visions and emotions. They saw a grand battle that had taken place eons ago, when dark forces had sought to unleash chaos upon the realm. A courageous soul, devoted to protecting the harmony of Etherealia, had willingly sacrificed themselves to power the gem, locking away the malevolent forces that threatened their world.

    Tears welled in the eyes of the guardians as they felt the profound sacrifice that had been made. The spent soul gem held the essence of a noble protector, a being who had given everything to safeguard their realm.

    Determined to honor this fallen hero, the Crystal Dragon Guardians knew they could not allow the gem to remain dormant. Together, they decided to perform a ritual of renewal, seeking to infuse the gem with the energies of their realm and the crystals they so lovingly protected.

    Under the guidance of Elara, they placed the spent soul gem at the center of a circle formed by the radiant crystals. Each guardian contributed their essence, connecting with the gem through their deep connection to the realm and the mystical dragons.

    As the ritual unfolded, the gem slowly began to stir, and a soft, ethereal light emanated from its core. The guardians watched in awe as the gem absorbed their energies, pulsating with new life and purpose.

    In that moment, they felt the presence of the fallen hero, their soul rekindled within the gem. The once-spent soul gem was now rejuvenated, its glow stronger than ever before. It was no longer just a mere object; it had become a vessel of courage, love, and protection, embodying the essence of the selfless protector who had sacrificed everything for the realm.

    With reverence and gratitude, the Crystal Dragon Guardians placed the renewed soul gem in a sacred chamber within their village. It became a symbol of bravery and devotion, a reminder of the eternal bond shared between the guardians and those who had come before them.

    From that day forward, the guardians celebrated the renewal of the spent soul gem as a testament to the enduring power of sacrifice and the unwavering commitment to protect the realm of Etherealia. The gem's light served as a beacon of hope and inspiration, guiding them in their quest to maintain the harmony and enchantment that defined their extraordinary world.

  3. If it's one thing I enjoy it's peace of mind.

    Always letting go with faith.

    Into the light where all is a blaze.

    Roasted in Gods gaze.

    Found peace in the flames.

    Still heart still waters.

    Design in the making.


  4. Hey, how you be?

    I am a bit early but I've managed to set the stage for the upcoming MMOC Beauty Contest. Ocean waves and drums are my kind of beach day. Peace. ❤️



  5. Have you tried a fire element with earth traits paired with the LE Shocking Squall, yet?


  6. [SB] Regally Wicked Ace Skin: Shallows Element: Water Eye: Regal Fang Claws: Regal Fang Horn: Fins Horn Pigment: Regal Fang Ornament: Fins Ornament Pigment: Regal Fang Marking: Ripple Cerulean MDed89b1677345-669b-3a8fe4e02f57cf4e
  7. ___________________ START HERE ____________________ #6 Breeder's Name: starfruitnmangos Name of the project: [SB] Regally Wicked Ace ___________________ END HERE ____________________
  8. In the realm of Etherealia, amidst the radiant crystals and the watchful presence of the Crystal Dragon Guardians, a remarkable event was about to unfold. Seraphina, a devoted Crystal Guardian, found herself at the heart of an extraordinary transformation.


    One tranquil evening, as the sun cast its golden hues across the sky, Seraphina ventured deep into the realm's mystical forest. Guided by her intuition, she discovered a secluded clearing, adorned with vibrant flowers and shimmering sunlight. Unbeknownst to her, fate had led her to the site where two young dragons would undergo a breathtaking metamorphosis.


    As she approached the clearing, Seraphina beheld a wondrous sight. Two juvenile dragons, one male and one female, stood side by side, their scales shimmering with a hint of pink, ready to shed their youthful forms. The air buzzed with an electric energy and the wind crashed the flowers, filling Seraphina's heart with anticipation.


    The female dragon, her scales mostly a delicate shade of pink, possessed enchanting claws that transitioned from green to a soft shade of pink, mirroring the colors of blooming petals. Her eyes sparkled red with curiosity and determination, eager to embrace her new form.


    The male dragon, most striking feature was a magnificent feathered horn that adorned his forehead, shimmering with pink iridescent colors.


    Seraphina observed with awe as the dragons bodies began glowing with an ethereal light, starting their transformation. The air crackled with magic, swirling around them as their forms shifted and evolved. It was a dance of ancient power and rebirth, a testament to the intricate bond between dragons and the crystals that adorned their realm.


    With each passing moment, the dragons underwent a stunning metamorphosis. The female's scales transformed into a vibrant shade of pink, glistening with a mesmerizing iridescence. Her claws now bold mirrored the soft green pink hues that adorned her before, completing her captivating appearance.


    Meanwhile, the male adorned in shades of pink, boasted leafy green ornaments that cascaded down his back, resembling a lush canopy of emerald leaves. His leafy green ornaments bloomed into a magnificent display of green foliage, intertwining with his pink scales in a harmonious symphony. His feathered horn shimmered with radiance, resembling a resplendent bouquet of delicate petals and lush foliage.


    Seraphina stumbled back against a tree slumping amongst glowing flowers, humbled and filled with awe, to bare witness to the birth of a new chapter in the lives of these dragons. As their transformation neared completion, the air stilled, and a profound sense of serenity washed over the clearing. The dragons, now fully evolved, radiated a majestic aura, embodying the beauty and balance of their realm.


    The female dragon extended her wings, a resplendent display of pink and grace, while the male dragon, adorned with his magnificent ornaments, stood tall and proud. Their eyes met Seraphina's, gleaming with gratitude and inner-standing, as if recognizing her as a witness to their extraordinary rebirth.


    Filled with wonder and gratitude, Seraphina realized that she had been chosen to witness this remarkable event, a testament to her unwavering dedication as a Crystal Guardian. She knew that these evolved dragons would become formidable protectors of Etherealia, their presence an embodiment of the realm's enchanting harmony.


    From that day forward, the evolved dragons, with their captivating appearances and innate wisdom, joined the ranks of the Crystal Dragon Guardians. Seraphina, forever touched by their transformation, carried their essence within her heart, a reminder of the magical bond that connected dragons, crystals, and the devoted guardians who watched over them in the realm of Etherealia.


  9. One day, while venturing near the edge of a sparkling river that ran through the heart of Etherealia, a member of the Crystal Dragon Guardians discovered a peculiar message in a bottle. Excitement filled the air as the guardians gathered around to unravel the mystery held within the tightly sealed vessel.

    Carefully, they opened the bottle and unraveled the delicate parchment nestled inside. The script upon it was elegant, written in ancient runes that shimmered with an ethereal glow. With a sense of anticipation, they began to decipher the message.

    "To the Crystal Dragon Guardians, the bearers of wisdom and harmony," the message began. "Within your realm lies a treasure long forgotten, a relic of immense power. Seek the Forgotten Crystal, hidden in the depths of the Forbidden Forest, where the veil between worlds is thin."

    Eyes widened with wonder and curiosity as the guardians absorbed the words before them. The Forbidden Forest was a place of mystery and enchantment, shrouded in legends of ancient magic and guarded by mystical creatures. The notion of uncovering a forgotten treasure ignited a sense of adventure within their hearts.

    They knew that such a quest required careful planning and preparation. Star, with her unwavering leadership, gathered her fellow guardians, discussing the path ahead. They consulted the dragons, seeking their ancient wisdom and guidance, for they knew that the dragons' knowledge of the realm was vast.

    Days turned into nights as the Crystal Dragon Guardians studied maps, sought counsel from wise elders, and prepared for their journey. Equipped with their mining tools, protective charms, and the ethereal presence of their dragon allies, they ventured into the depths of the Forbidden Forest.

    As they moved deeper into the enchanted woods, they encountered magical creatures, both benevolent and mischievous. They faced trials and puzzles, their unity and wisdom tested at every turn. Yet, with determination and unwavering belief in their purpose, they pressed on.

    Finally, after days of exploration, they reached a secluded grove bathed in a soft, iridescent glow. There, beneath the ancient trees, they found a hidden cave entrance, concealed by the enchantments of time. The guardians cautiously stepped inside, their hearts racing with anticipation.

    Within the secret chamber, they discovered a pedestal adorned with intricate carvings, emanating a gentle radiance. Resting atop the pedestal was the Forgotten Crystal, a gem of dazzling beauty and untold power. Its iridescent glow illuminated the chamber, casting a spellbinding aura.

    As the Crystal Dragon Guardians approached, a soft whisper filled the air, resonating within their hearts. The voice spoke of balance and harmony, of the importance of safeguarding the ancient magic that connected all realms.

    With reverence and gratitude, the guardians carefully collected the Forgotten Crystal, cradling it in their hands. They knew that its power was not meant for personal gain but rather to be harnessed for the greater good of all.

    Leaving the secret chamber, the Crystal Dragon Guardians emerged from the Forbidden Forest, their spirits uplifted, and their hearts filled with newfound wisdom. They carried the Forgotten Crystal back to their village, where it would be guarded and cherished, its energy harnessed to restore harmony and protect the land they loved.

    From that day forward, the Crystal Dragon Guardians stood as the guardians of not only the crystals but also the secrets and magic of Etherealia. The discovery of the Forgotten Crystal marked the beginning of a new chapter, where their duty expanded beyond mining and into preserving the delicate equilibrium between realms.

    Their village thrived as a beacon of wisdom, attracting seekers of knowledge and spiritual enlightenment. And the Crystal Dragon Guardians continued their mission, mining crystals peacefully among the dragons, while embracing the eternal quest for balance and the preservation of mystical wonders.


  10. Love the Ripple on the Dat and the feathers and spikes! Wow.