
~Mystical Minion~
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Status Updates posted by starfruitnmangos

  1. Hey everyone!

    Just wanted to drop a quick update on the Jolly dragon I've been working on. It's taken over a year to finally bring all four traits together on an Earth skin. I can't help but wonder if the Earth base is making it tougher for the water traits to come through. But here we are, and here's the progress so far. I’m a bit bummed that the marking didn’t make it to the final stage yet. I know I can get there, but after staring at these traits for over a year, I’m honestly a bit tired. Patience has definitely been a big takeaway from this experience. Now, I'm just enjoying this girly, and when the time feels right, I’ll try hatching and breeding again—maybe around the holidays.

    On to new ventures! Thanks for reading.



  2. Hey Dragon Breeders,

    It's only been a few months since my last post, so please forgive me for the delay.

    I'm sure most of you are aware of our current economic situation, which has kept my attention on real life. I've been slowly catching up on the new dragons and traits, and it's been exciting to watch the dragon community grow over these past few years. However, I've been feeling a bit quiet inside, disillusioned by the quest for cool traits and putting together projects. Birthing my first dragons felt like hatching my children, but my small breeding pool means I have fewer eggs to get excited about. On the flip side, I've become very selective about the eggs I hatch and keep alive. This has nurtured a new sense of fulfillment when I complete a project or receive an unexpected trait.

    Hatching a Jolly purple dragon with pretty little markings is incredibly satisfying. I've been working on a Jolly Java project, and boy, is it hard to put water traits on an earth dragon! It's almost been a whole year since I started this project, and some of you know that I've fallen in and out of love with the process. I still love my Jolly dragons and take pride in my work, knowing that it's not a common combination. It was created out of my love for colors and a holly writhe, giving off cozy cabin energy. The project is almost complete.

    Recently, I was lucky enough to grab the Rime skin—a trait I noticed a while ago but couldn't get. This sparked my creative engines again, leading me to hunt for a few other dragons to mate her with. At the same time, I learned how to possibly get the Lace Piebald marking by breeding the LE Monarch dragon. Heavy sigh, dragon breeders, because I'm at my cap of live dragons. I'd love to try, but I'd be better off waiting. I don't have much luck pulling traits until today.

    Waking up to a fresh dragon egg with a trait you haven't heard much about makes a person feel a little lucky. Even more bewildering is when neither of the parents hold the trait. This sparked my energy to write this post because breeding dragons is not easy. You fall in and out of love, but with time, you might build beautiful connections with some interesting people. Second life is just life-in.

    All that to say, I found a Dunes OP, and as a collector, I feel satisfied. I'm sure more will come on the market in the next few weeks, but I love some of the Dunes designer dragons I've come across. Do you ever stand back and just look at a dragon and go, "Woooow, look at this, hmm, yesssss, I love it"? You can tell when a breeder has taken the time to bring a dragon together, even if it's a plain Jane pure dragon. Pure dragons with matching elements take work and deserve a hearty pat on the back.

    Not everyone is lucky enough to pull off a designer dragon. Let alone get all the traits they want on one dragon in a timely manner. The dragon that dropped my Dunes OP was 84 days old. I was done with this dragon and she has redeemed herself today. On a different note I hear whispers of the Dunes Claw being the missing link. Good luck to you on the hunt, Dragon breeders.


    Happy breeding.


  3. Hey Dragon Breeders,

    Last time, we paired Avalora with a water dragon and got nothing. But all is well. We moved her back to an Earth dragon and, boom, we got a boy! No new traits yet, but I've hatched him and paired him with Avalora. Only time will tell what happens next.

    That’s all for now.



  4. Grand rising Dragon Breeders,

    It appears to be yet another beautiful day dedicated to the art of breeding digital dragons. As of late, I've found myself reflecting on my journey, witnessing its transformation from tending to hundreds of dragons to just a select few. Some are cherished for their rarity, others for their unique combinations, and a handful reserved for personal experimentation.

    It has been a captivating and enriching adventure.

    For me, the pursuit transcends mere acquisition of coveted traits, though the thrill of stumbling upon something extraordinary is undeniably enticing. My primary focus remains on the affection I hold for these majestic creatures and the invaluable connections forged within our community.

    It has been years since I've been this deeply engrossed in the Second Life platform. I've always been somewhat reserved, slow to reveal myself. While that aspect of my nature persists, I've come to cherish the bonds nurtured alongside my dragons, shared with both kin and comrades.

    Although my breeding endeavors have gradually tapered off, I find contentment in nurturing my designer dragon project, nearing completion.

    Afterwards, I may opt for a hiatus to attend to pressing matters in my tangible existence. Rest assured, I shall remain present, albeit intermittently. In the meantime, happy breeding!



  5. Alright Dragon Breeders,

    We're back at it, watching our dear Avalora paired with a Fire dragon and here's what we got.

    [SB] F 3T Gay 2T Candlite DOS Ava
    Skin: Gayvrenth
    Element: Water
    Eye: Water Gayvrenth
    Claws: Candlite
    Horn: Spikes
    Horn Pigment: Water Gayvrenth
    Ornament: Fins
    Ornament Pigment: Candlite

    Hmm. Let's try a water dragon.

  6. Hey there fellow Dragon Breeders,

    [SB] Starbreedz checking in with another update from our latest LE release, the 2024 Knights of Avalon. So, we ended up with a girl from our egg hatch and named her Avalora. Pretty cute, right?

    Now, let’s talk shop. Buying a Legendary Edition Dragon is like snagging a custom starter dragon – we invest our precious currency and time into the ones that catch our eye. And even if we don't land any fancy traits, we can still pocket the LE as a collector's item. So... onto the juicy stuff. Remember where we left off? We paired Avalora with another Earth Drake and ended up with nada in terms of traits.

    Now, let me unveil what her next egg looks like, and brace yourselves... it's a big fat nothing. Here are the deets:

    Mystical Dragon Egg
    Skin: Sylvane
    Element: Earth
    Eye: Sylvane
    Claws: Water Gayvrenth
    Horn: Stone
    Horn Pigment: Sylvane
    Ornament: Stone
    Ornament Pigment: Fire Zuldrud
    Marking: Fissure Pine

    Seems like we're seeing less of the old traits and more of the newer starter traits. Since we're not breeding any other Earth dragons at the moment, I'm itching to see what we might get with a Water or Fire dragon. Only time will tell. Until next time.

    Happy Breeding,



  7. Hey fellow Dragon Breeders,

    It’s your lady Star feeling like sharing part of the dragon breeding experience. For starters, we went ahead and grabbed ourselves a 2024 Knights of Avalon Starter Dragon for [SB] Starbreedz. Hatched open the Arthur egg and boom it’s a girl! Girls are a wonderful reminder to slow down in life. You know, stop and smell a few flowers. I named her [SB] Dame Avalora Knight of Avalon. Anywho, I'm gonna keep this short and share with you the very first egg we received from Avalora, our sweet dragon in armor.

    [SB] Brim Stone DOS Arthur
    Skin: Brimstone
    Element: Fire
    Eye: Water Gayvrenth
    Claws: Water Gayvrenth
    Horn: Stone
    Horn Pigment: Water Gayvrenth
    Ornament: Stone
    Ornament Pigment: Bloody Wraith

    Let’s just say I’m a little curious where this Water element is coming from. What does it all mean when two Earth dragons pump out a Water dragon? Talk about confusion. Deep breaths folks. This is the journey of a Dragon Breeder. Once again, I am reminded of having to wait for the ebb and flow of things outside of my control. What do I do with this new dragon egg? Not sure. We’ll have to wait and see. I have ideas, thoughts are going through my mind. I would have loved to see a boy egg so I moved Avalora to a new Earth Drake. We’ll see what they give us in about five days. Well, thanks for listening to my little rant about breeding. Happy breeding and all that jazz.



    1. Avalon Crystal

      Avalon Crystal

      Well lets see if i can help you understand where the water came from,  LE Dragons are like starter dragons in a costume thats a good way to think about it, and they can pass you anything that a starter dragon can. Knowing this information you could come to the conclusion that [SB] Dame Avalora Knight of Avalon, just might have a hidden of a Water Gayvrenth. Just because you breed two Earth Dragons doesnt mean you couldnt get air, water, or fire element traits from it because they all have hidden traits they can pull from to pass to the DOS as well. 

  8. Joyfully preparing my 2024 Knights of Avalon - Arthur breeding grounds!

  9. Don't sleep on a DOS eggie. >.<

  10. 🎉 Cheers to new beginnings and endless possibilities! 🥂 Wishing you a Happy New Year filled with joy, success, and memorable moments. May each day bring you closer to your dreams. Happy Breeding! 🌟

  11. Happy Holidays from STARBREEDZ! 🎁

    If you happen to be strolling around the Nest Egg stop by our shop. Prices have dropped till the end of December. Then we're cleaning shop and starting fresh for the new year. See ya around.

    Happy Breeding.


    Screenshot 2023-12-25 at 07-12-51 Star K Colletti ( • Instagram photos and videos.png

  12. Check out my Peppermint dragon's adorable offspring! 🐉🌿 Feast your eyes on these beauties – a stunning ruby skin, all the peppermint traits, the enchanting holly eye, and the cherry on top, a delicate snowflake marking! I'm absolutely captivated by the radiant ruby red skin. Contemplating adding a touch of pink with the mutation rose aurora marking. What's your take on this delightful addition? 💖🌟 


  13. Breeding Mastery: Unraveling the Art of Pairing Traits

    Greetings, fellow dragon breeders! Today, we're immersing ourselves in the captivating realm of dragon breeding, where we'll unravel the art and science behind trait pairing. If mastering the craft is your goal, understanding the significance of trait pairing is a crucial first step. Pairing dragons with complementary traits unlocks the potential for unique and delightful offspring. It's a delicate science that demands patience, expertise, and a generous dose of dedication. So, let's dive into the intricacies of trait pairing and embark on this journey of breeding mastery together!

    The importance of trait pairing in dragon breeding is evident in ensuring that resulting dragon eggs mirror the desired appearance. With a confined breeding window of 100 days, maximizing each opportunity becomes paramount. This is especially true given that female dragons can produce only one egg approximately every five days, resulting in about 20 eggs per mating pair. Patience and imagination play pivotal roles in this process; visualize the dragon you desire before embarking on the quest for dragons or dragon eggs.

    Understanding the fundamental dragon traits is vital for successful breeding. Traits like Skin, Eye, Claw, Horn Element, Horn Pigment, Ornament Element, Ornament Pigment, and Marking collectively contribute to shaping the overall appearance of the dragon. There are various Horn and Ornament Elements, including Feathers (Air), Fins (Water), Stone (Earth), Spikes (Fire), Leafage (Earth), and Antlers (Air), that can be mixed and matched according to your desires. Finally, the cherry on top is the desired marking. Now, let's explore how each of these traits plays a crucial role in crafting the unique design of our majestic creatures. Take a look at the following dragon – let's say it was a gift.

    Name: [SB] Lacy Rosa Pine
    Gender: Dragoness
    Age: 9
    Skin: Air Fruzayl
    Eye: Air Tolrae
    Claw: Air Fruzayl
    Horn Element: Feathers
    Horn Pigment: Air Fruzayl
    Ornament Element: Feathers
    Ornament Pigment: Air Fruzayl
    Marking: Lacing Lace

    Lacy, a stunning white dragon with pink eyes and a white marking, is perfect for a snowy escape or cloudy mountaintop. She's almost a pure Fruzayl, missing only the Air Fruzayl Eye. Notably, she features four matching Air Fruzayl traits: Skin, Claw, Horn Pigment, and Ornament Pigment. Additionally, she inherits matching Horn and Ornament Elements – both Feathers. If an all-white dragon is your desire, finding her in the market is indeed a fantastic discovery. Now, let's investigate the traits inherited from her parents.

    Gender: Drake
    Age: 313
    Skin: Air Fruzayl
    Eye: Air Tolrae
    Claw: Air Tolrae
    Horn Element: Feathers
    Horn Pigment: Air Tolrae
    Ornament Element: Feathers
    Ornament Pigment: Air Tolrae
    Marking: None

    Gender: Dragoness
    Age: 373
    Skin: Air Fruzayl
    Eye: Mother Rose
    Claw: Air Fruzayl
    Horn Element: Spikes
    Horn Pigment: Air Fruzayl
    Ornament Element: Stone
    Ornament Pigment: Air Fruzayl
    Marking: Lacing Lace

    Right away, we can see where she got her pink Air Tolrae Eye. The father is almost a pure Tolrae, carrying four traits: Eye, Claw, Horn Pigment, and Ornament Pigment. Lacy has also inherited her father's feathers, which is amazing since both Fruzayl and Tolrae are air dragons. While having feathers is ideal, it's not set in stone. Lacy has taken her mother’s white marking. It's worth noting that Lacy’s mother has a special eye called Mother’s Rose – a fun and unique dragon to find. Now that we've determined Lacy's traits, we can identify which ones are strong passing traits.

    Fortunately, most Fruzayl traits and markings are passing. This means that if you pair Lacy with a male Fruzayl that has all the Fruzayl traits with feathers, you'll likely get more pure Fruzayl dragons with feathers. Some might even surprise you by pulling out the Mother’s Rose Eye or Tolrae traits from mother and father. Regardless, you'll end up with pure white dragons or pink and white dragons. This is why it’s essential to have an idea of what you want your dragon to look like.

    If you're aiming to breed a pure Fruzayl dragon, this is a quick way to do it. However, if purity is not a concern, and you're interested in experimenting with different traits, you can venture into creating a Designer Dragon. Perhaps you want to add the sleet antler, another white trait that complements the Fruzayl dragon. You might consider mixing her with a Dashing Reindeer dragon, offering an array of color combinations and traits. With new traits being created regularly, your breeding style will dictate what you pair Lacy with.

    So, fellow dragon enthusiasts, thanks for joining me. Share your tale or your most surprising breeding outcomes. Catch you later, dragon pals!

    Happy Breeding!

    Star 💫

    Screenshot 2023-12-10 at 12-34-21 Starfruit N Mangos ( • Instagram photos and videos.png

  14. Got a few pictures of me hanging out with the Enkindler Dragon in the midst of these majestic woods 🐉🌲✨ Surrounded by towering trees and the mystical aura of the forest.

    Screenshot 2023-12-06 at 06-54-23 Starfruit N Mangos ( • Instagram photos and videos.png

    Screenshot 2023-12-06 at 06-54-38 Starfruit N Mangos ( • Instagram photos and videos.png

  15. Strolling through the Mall with a Watermelon dragon. 🐉 ✨




  16. 🌅 Farewell to the Lucky dragons as the sun sets on their chapter. 🐉✨ Currently, I'm downsizing my dragon pools, pausing new hatches. However, the journey continues with a special project: the Peppermint Dragons for the upcoming holidays! 🍬🎄 They're evolving beautifully, and though I'll miss the Luckies, the magic of peppermint awaits! Stay tuned! 🌈 




  17. Hey everyone,

    Feeling chatty today and felt like delving into the intriguing topic of dragon pricing. Let's keep it easygoing as it's quite a sensitive subject. Given that we can't control the market undercutting, let's explore what it means and why it's a part of our dragon breeding world.

    Undercutting, often seen in business, is when a product or service is priced lower than competitors to attract customers. Now, since we invest our hard-earned currency into feeding and caring for our dragons, essentially making them our business, the decision of pricing becomes an individual choice.

    Personally, I'm okay with breeders offering their dragons at lower prices, especially when they're a mix of multiple traits that might require some effort to refine. However, it stings a bit when I see pure dragons with all matching traits going for a steal. Considering the time and effort invested in their care, it seems wise to ask for a minimum that covers the basics.

    Let's break it down further. Imagine spending eight months designing a dragon with specific traits. To sustain a pool of four dragons, you'd need to invest in crystals and well springs every two months, totaling around 12,392L or approximately $55. This is a basic cost for caring for dragons over eight months, and most breeders have multiple pools. This is not including land rent or marketing budget.

    Now, pricing a dragon that has absorbed about 12k worth of Lindens. A Fair Market Prices List exists for new traits less than a hundred days old, ranging from 100,000k - 20,000k in Lindens. As time passes, the price naturally drops.

    After 100 days, I opt for a flat rate of 500L per trait. Taking a random dragon as an example say it has the following:

    - Non-starter traits over 100 days old: 500L x 4 = 2000L
    - Additional traits (marking, unhatched egg, male, matching ornaments): 500L each
    - Parents' common traits: 500L x 8 = 4000L



    Name: Ancient Love 3T Pepper
    Current Owner: 017c7133-3630-4017-90bf-16879c13354a
    Gender: Dragoness
    Age: 538
    Skin: Air Fruzayl - 500L
    Eye: Air Xaytud - Starter
    Claw: Peppermint - 500L
    Horn Element: Fins - Water 
    Horn Pigment: Peppermint - 500L 
    Ornament Element: Feathers - Air
    Ornament Pigment: Peppermint - 500L
    Marking: None - None


    Name: Ancient Conleth 3T Peppermint
    Current Owner: 017c7133-3630-4017-90bf-16879c13354a
    Gender: Drake 
    Age: 563
    Skin: Air Fruzayl - 500L
    Eye: Fire Zuldrud - Starter
    Claw: Peppermint - 500L
    Horn Element: Fins - Water
    Horn Pigment: Peppermint - 500L
    Ornament Element: Feathers - Air
    Ornament Pigment: Peppermint - 500L
    Marking: None

    Name: Rose of the Valley 3x Pepper Fru
    Current Owner: 30bd9b40-51d4-4960-885e-430fd60c8c2d
    Gender: Dragoness
    Age: 550
    Skin: Air Fruzayl - 500L
    Eye: Air Xaytud - Starter
    Claw: Peppermint - 500L
    Horn Element: Fins - Water
    Horn Pigment: Peppermint - 500L
    Ornament Element: Spikes - Fire
    Ornament Pigment: Peppermint - 500L
    Marking: None


    Combining all, I set the market price at 6k. For auctions, subtracting 20%, the auction price can range from 2k to 4.8k.

    It's essential to note that this pricing doesn't immediately cover the 12k investment. However, if I sell six eggs at 2k each, I've recovered my investment with room for growth.

    My approach to dragon pricing revolves around the enjoyment of breeding rather than making a quick profit. If I sell an egg, I aim to get its true worth. This is just my perspective on pricing; everyone has their own strategy.

    Thoughts? How do you approach dragon pricing? Share your insights!

    Lot's of Love.

    Happy Breeding,

    Star 😊💙🐉


    1. Sugar


      My approach to dragon pricing revolves around the enjoyment of breeding rather than making a quick profit. If I sell an egg, I aim to get its true worth. This is just my perspective on pricing; everyone has their own strategy.


      this is a great quote everyone should just have a pod or two and breed like this and get enjoyment of making nice things ty for sharing  hope you join the contests they r both fun 

    2. starfruitnmangos
  18. Infinite gratitude for six Drakes in a row. Wow.

    1. starfruitnmangos


      Quick update: 9 Drakes total for today. 

      Yay! *does a little dance*

  19. Baby, it's cold outside! ❄️ Our shop is all decked out for the season, a tad early, but we just couldn't wait to unveil this year's holiday dragon by the amazing starbreedz! 🐉✨ Featuring the LE Christmas Candy Eye and a stunning mix of sleet antlers, Fruzal, and Qandaes traits. This dragon is a beautiful and rare festive creation! 🎄🦌 Keep an eye out, because soon we'll be offering a limited quantity of holiday dragon eggs for sale! 🥚✨ Happy Holidays, everyone! 🌟

    Screenshot 2023-11-21 at 20-23-40 Starfruit N Mangos ( • Instagram photos and videos.png

  20. 🎃✨ The Dragon Shop is officially bewitched by Halloween's enchantment! 🍁🕷️ I'm absolutely loving the spooky decor - it's a dragon-sized treat for the eyes! Come visit and experience the magic yourself! 🐉🧙‍♀️🌕

    #DragonShop #HalloweenMagic #SpookyDecor 🏮👻



  21. Don't mind me I'm just lurking the markets. 😍


    Screenshot 2023-09-20 at 10-10-14 Starfruit N Mangos ( • Instagram photos and videos.png

  22. Ugh, so I bread my babies too soon and missed an opportunity for the Birthday egg drop. Better luck next time. 🥲

    1. Sugar


      hugs i hear ya

  23. Four more days to go and we'll be back to breeding. >.<

  24. In the mystical land of Etherealia, where benevolent dragons soared through the iridescent skies, there lived a unique and extraordinary being named Aria.

    Aria, with her stunning ruby-red skin, her pinkish white underbelly that traveled sensuously between her breasts and down her thighs, and her long, flowing red hair, was a half-human, half-dragon entity. A dragon fairy found her when she was just an egg, nurtured and cared for her until she was of age.

    Aria was known throughout Etherealia for her carefree and warm-hearted nature. Her presence had a magical effect on those who encountered her, filling them with a sense of warmth, safety, and love. Her very aura radiated kindness, and she left a trail of happiness wherever she went.

    One bright morning, as Aria roamed the enchanting meadows of Etherealia, she spotted something unusual nestled amidst a bed of vibrant wildflowers. It was a glimmering bottle, half-buried in the soft earth. Her heart danced with curiosity as she reached down to retrieve it.

    Gently uncorking the bottle, Aria found a delicate parchment inside, adorned with shimmering ink that glowed with an ethereal brilliance. The script upon the parchment was written in an ancient and ornate language.

    With her unique connection to the realm and the mystical dragons, Aria invoked her ethereal bond to decipher the message within. As the words unveiled themselves, she felt a sense of anticipation and awe, for the message spoke of a distant realm seeking connection and wisdom from the guardians of Etherealia.

    "To the esteemed Crystal Dragon Guardians of Etherealia," the message began, "from the seekers of the Luminous Realm, we extend our deepest respect and admiration for your guardianship of the mystical."

    The message continued, recounting tales of the Luminous Realm's journey to protect their own magical equilibrium and their desire to establish a connection between their realm and Etherealia—a realm where knowledge, wonder, and wisdom could be shared and celebrated.

    Aria, with her warm-hearted and inquisitive nature, felt a sense of responsibility. She knew that she had a unique role to play in fostering this connection between the two realms. With a sense of purpose and determination, she decided to embark on a journey to deliver the message to the Crystal Dragon Guardians and help bridge the gap between Etherealia and the Luminous Realm.

    Her path was set, and as she traversed the enchanting landscapes of Etherealia, she couldn't help but share her warmth and love with every being she encountered, leaving a trail of happiness and serenity in her wake. Aria, with her radiant beauty and extraordinary aura, was on a mission to unite realms, embracing the mysteries and enchantment of the extraordinary world she called home.

  25. You know what's exciting?

    Checking on your babies, noticing them all catch up with each other at 100%. Realizing that never happens. I don't ever see my babies at 100%. I'm talking about the dragonesses here. I'm satisfied with giving them this break and letting them breath. 'Cause I know what it's like to need a moment. A moment to self. Then noticing the ones who are a little behind and catching up with the flock. Soon to be moving as one. That's satisfying. I am full of gratitude on so many levels. 


    Thank you.🤍
