Sat bade

~Mystical Minion~
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Sat bade last won the day on May 25 2021

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  1.  Due to some real life issues, i am running a bit late. 

    But today i managed to get my dragon dungeon done and now is the time to go on new adventures with these spectecular creatures. 

    Happy to be part of the family ?

    Dragons Den_001.jpg

  2. Hollidays: 

    Its not a good idea to use dragon eggs for eastern egg search parties. 
    If u throw dragon eggs on a house with Halloween, the egg wins.



  3. Statistics show that it takes an average person six days to eat a dragon omelet. 


  4. Come, lets do the beta test, they said.

    It will be fun, they said. 




  5. So my mini dragons were playing. 





    And now i owe my neighbour a truth hair. 

  6. Ready for the future. 

    (And calmed my horses) 



  7. Morning routine

    Shower, turn on Pc. 

    Log SL, get coffee. 

    Sip Coffee, peek dragons. 

    Smile. Good dragons ?

    1. Josie Wright

      Josie Wright

      Sips coffee and watches everyone watch their dragons ?

    2. Sat bade

      Sat bade

      Oh ur the great eye that oversees all of us ? 

  8. So took my dragon out for a test flight yesterday , wow that was an awesome experience.

    I did notice the animation when u hang still is off, ur avatar dissapears in the dragon.

    Offcourse i turned my AO off.

    But! what a thrill !

  9. Sofar its mostly the movement that blows me out of the water. 

    What an impressive job on textures and movemnent. This is going to deffo change my sl experience ?


    1. Trelk Moonwall

      Trelk Moonwall

      I agree. Absolutely love their sleeping animations ?

  10. Hoping to be at the Q&A, Never know with my head issues...  

    First and foremost, i want to wish all groupmembers and staff a merry christmas, and a safe and HEALTHY 2021. 


    In case i don't see u ?