All Activity
- Today
Very cool drop today!
"Chosen Dragon - Bal'Hamut does have the ability to pass its horn and ornament pigments, along with its eye and claw!!
- Yesterday
rein started following Kinship - Mother of Pearl!
pankie changed their profile photo
Hello Friends! What happens if something goes wrong with your dragons? What if you get the hovertext of doom? You think how in the world did this even happen?? How will anything EVER be right again??? BUT DON'T PANIC!! Did you know you can file a ticket? It's an easy way to get Mystical Creatures to help you and fix your problem quickly! Here's how ya do it: From the home page (or any page) click More, then Support. That will take you to the support page where you can read the Guidelines and file your ticket. To file a new ticket, click the New Request button. You'll then get a pop up window for you to input information so that Mystical Creatures can help you best. There is a drop-down menu that allows you to choose the best department for your issue to be taken care of. The best thing about filing a ticket, is how quick they are to respond especially during normal business hours throughout the week. However, during early morning hours or on weekends it might take just a bit longer. When you have filled out the required information, in the body of the ticket you can give a detailed description or account of exactly what the issue is. You can even attach files, pictures or texts to the ticket by clicking "Choose Files". Lastly, when you are sure you have given every bit of information you can, click the SAVE button. This will send it to Mystical Creatures and save it on your support page, for you to refer back to, should Mystical Creatures need more information or have any questions for you. It is important to check back or keep a check on your email to know if a response is required from you. And... Remember, please always ask in the Mystical Creatures group, if you have ANY questions. We always try to help out as best we can, but if it's something that requires a ticket, we'll let ya know! See ya out there!
libertyjuran changed their profile photo
pankie joined the community
Darkfire joined the community
- Last week
Stiffy.Banana joined the community
highbtww joined the community
n3llyaya joined the community
Tia’Malcara regards the little island she calls home with fondness. It's been quite busy since the festival began, visitors coming and going to pick up supplies or donate their hard-earned Cinder Shards. Another person, dragon in tow, excitedly scrambles up the steps, dumping a basket full of shards into the Altar, and cheers when their name climbs the rankings–a little board she devised, knowing that Tamers, Breeders and Collectors loved competition as much as their Dragons. It had certainly motivated them and their drive was obvious through their enthusiasm. She could sense that the Obelisk was nearing its first milestone. This was certainly cause for celebration, and she pondered what sorts of rewards she could provide those who showed the most promise. After all, her hopes and expectations had not only been met, but exceeded! Tia’Pyra would’ve been overjoyed, and she hoped that wherever she was, she could feel the warmth of everyone’s hard work and dedication. With a smile, she prepared herself to channel the collected magicks into the Obelisk. She was eager to see how much progress had been made so far! Thanks to the community’s hard work since the festival began, we’ve hit our first major milestone! The Obelisk is starting to fill—come check it out! Stage 1 is now complete, and Stage 2 is officially underway! A new leaderboard begins now, but don’t worry your totals from all stages are cumulative. At the end of the festival, everything will be added up! As a thank-you, everyone who has turned in cinders will receive a participation gift Mystical Terrain - Blazing Steppes! Keep an eye out! In addition to the participation gifts, the top 10 players on the leader board will receive 1 Mystical Charm of Eternity! The top 3 players will receive any Mystical LE of their choice old or new, as well as a Mystical Dragon Breeding & Wellness Pack! We are now entering stage 2 of the Festival of Flames! If you are not participating its a great time to get started! Who knows what fiery surprises await? Let the flames burn bright!
Idoru changed their profile photo
Chloe Smythe joined the community
Dieseljenkins joined the community
beezytk joined the community
MinxRazor started following Tia welcomes everyone to the Festival of Flames!
Silent changed their profile photo
Føχy Ƭυđøя - Mckinsey started following Tia welcomes everyone to the Festival of Flames!
- Earlier
rayden evergarden started following Tia welcomes everyone to the Festival of Flames!
Tia’Malcara’s words promise a Festival packed with fun. But that begs the question: How do we acquire these ‘Cinder Shards’? She smiles. “Observant, you are. It's simple! Dig. battle, and breed as you have been doing. You may find them by defeating monsters in a specific Biome, while Digging for treasure, or when Ascending Fire dragons to my care.” What about Earth, or Water dragons, you ask. “Only Fire dragons will grant Cinder Shards upon Ascension. And, I’ll be able to grant you double the amount of Ascension points for each Ascended Fire Dragon or Egg during the Festival as well!” These Leyline alignments sound quite fascinating, you think! She agrees. After all, they’re the source of Dragon magic! “Now then, my friend-I must finish preparation for this Festival, so please let everyone know about it! We’ll need everyone’s help to collect enough Cinder Shards to Kindle something incredible.” She waves a taloned forepaw in the air and an arcane circle drawn from Draconic runes etches itself from thin air, glowing a brilliant blue color. From the arcane sigil emerges a scroll. “Here, friend. This scroll contains all the details you’ll need to know. Oh, and please do let people know that there will be some goodies for them to collect as part of the event, including an event-specific Wand for digging, and a Biome Beacon to help you seek out monsters carrying Cinder Shards in the Molten Crater.” You thank her profusely. “Safe travels, friend! ‘Til we meet again!” With that, she turns her back to you and begins directing a few Adolescent dragons who seem to be failing miserably at building a wooden stall. Apparently the instruction manual was upside down. You take a moment to review the Scroll, which seems to be a brief yet informative overview of what she has dubbed the First Festival of Flames: Welcome, Breeders, Tamers, and Collectors alike! Join us, March 18, 2025 for the First Festival of Flames! -Gather Cinder Shards by Battling, Digging, and Ascending Fire Dragons and Fire Eggs! (Must be Fire Element Skins to qualify). Greater Contributions of Cinder Shards grant better rewards, with the grand prize being a Legendary Edition event-exclusive Dragon! Head over to the MC Main store to grab your box of Festival of Flames Essentials containing: -An Event-specific Fire Festival Wand - Ramshackle Tool for Digging can be acquired at the Mystical Store for free. -’Molten Crater’ Biome Beacon adds a new, permanent Fire-themed Battle Biome, while monsters defeated in this Biome will drop Cinder Shards for the duration of the Festival. -Ascend Fire Element Dragons and Eggs for DOUBLE Ascension Points for the duration of the Festival. -Strut your stuff during the Parade! Show off your prized Dragon for all to see, dressing up to match is encouraged!* -Bring the Fire with a burning hot party! Live music and prizes!* -And more!** *Dates for all activities will be announced soon. From the Team here at Mystical Dragons, we hope you’re all fired up for our first Festival event!
sebastianbone98 changed their profile photo
You continue to talk to Tia "Oh, a Celebration you say. Whatever for?" “Why, to celebrate Fire of course!” You glance around, taking in the sights. The Fire crystal garland, the red banners emblazoned with the Sigil of Flames, the flaming braziers being set up around the area. You hadn’t quite noticed that ‘Fire’ seemed to underpin everything, too enraptured by Tia’Malcara’s story. Of course, a Fire Festival! “Tia’Pyra loved parties, and festivals. It was her idea to host festivals in the first place, hoping to build comradery amongst our people. So they became an annual tradition. Or maybe it was every hundred years…? Or maybe thousands. Time is a funny thing to us Dragons.” So a festival then. That sounds like fun! “Yes! Great fun indeed, all in the spirit of Tia’Pyra and to celebrate the bravery, passion and drive of Fire Dragons. After all, they’re strong-willed and passionate creatures, and it's only fitting that we celebrate Fire dragons in the only way we know how: With a party of course–And during such an auspicious time, too–The Leylines haven’t aligned like this since before the disappearance of Dragonkind!” So what’s that Altar for? And the Obelisk behind it? Does it have something to do with this ‘Leyline Alignment’? “The Altar of Flames is a sacred Dragon relic for condensing Magicks into a more versatile form. During the Festival, you’ll all be able to collect Cinder Shards–coalesced shards of Fire magicks, which only occur during Leyline alignments. If enough of them are brought together, we may well see something we’ve never seen before emerge from the flames of your success.” What are cinder shards? Do you know?!
Bluey changed their profile photo
Draelle Chandler started following New traits Spotlight from MC Breeding Challenges
Have you seen what's new Dragon Lovers? New Traits are popping up all over town, coming from our latest combination breeding challenge! On January 31st 2025, Mystical Creatures gave the community a really cool breeding challenge for our dragons::: 3 breeding challenges! 1. Breed together Baron Skin with Antlers Sleet 2. Breed together Leafage Caladium with Datentud Skin 3. Breed together Ruby skin with Charcoal Piebald Marking It doesn't matter which parent has which trait as long as 1 parent has 1 and the other parent has the other! As many of us take part in the fun of this breeding challenge, traits are beginning to show up in the community! Working diligently to breed together the best combinations to bring out those special new traits on the best dragons possible is both challenging and rewarding! Just look at what we have seen so far: #1 Breed the Baron skin and Antlers Sleet + = gave us these amazing new SCARLET ANTLERS #2 Breed Datentuds with Caladium Leafage += gave us ... this Obsidian Leafage! #3 Breed a Ruby skin with a Charcoal Piebald += the latest and greatest....Red Piebald! Keep breeding out those beautiful combinations and see what inspiring traits you get~ You may be the lucky ones to drop these latest and greatest new Traits!
Maia Ravenwood changed their profile photo
Today on Mystical Creatures Isle........... Tia’Malcara reclines upon the rocks, her gaze fixed upon you. "Did I ever tell you about my siblings?” Her siblings? No, she hadn’t. But you’re certainly curious. “You might be quite surprised to learn that I am the youngest of my brood, lastborn of the Primes.” That is surprising, actually. She never really gave you the ‘youngest sibling’ vibes. She smiles at your look of shock. “Yes! I have five other Brothers and Sisters, you see. Val’Tenebrux is the oldest of us-He’s the Prime of Shadows. After him came my sister and the Prime of Embers, Tia’Pyra. Next is my sister, Tia’Serene, the Prime of Currents.” She pauses to let two dragons pulling a cart carrying a large, carved stone sculpture of a taloned hand gripping a clear orb rumble by. “After her is my brother, Ti’Gaian, the Prime of Stone. Then there’s Bal’Tempest-He’s the Prime of Zephyrs. And lastly, myself, born L’maura, Prime of Prisms.” Wait, Tia’Malcara isn’t her original name, you ask. She shakes her head. “The name Malcara was given to me by a dear friend who is no longer with us. I only hope she’s at peace in the beyond.” Her expression is tender, but sorrowful. You apologize for opening old wounds. She waves a forepaw dismissively. “Worry not, friend. The memory of her lives on in me.” They all sound like such unique and interesting individuals–you’d love to know more, if she’s willing. She’s happy, excited even, to oblige. “I was closest to Tia’Pyra and Bal’Tempest. Tia’Pyra was an extremely passionate and driven individual. Her personality burned as bright as her fire breath, and she inspired us all with her drive and fervor for life. I miss her deeply. Bal’Tempest meanwhile was carefree and constantly trying to skip out on his responsibilities so he could master trick-flying. He was a thrill-seeker, never happy unless he was airborne. The winds called to him and he answered with glee.” Sounds like one hell of a guy, you say. She nods. By now, you’ve both come to a central plaza where helpers are setting up that carved stone Altar you saw earlier, setting it gently at the base of a grand stone Obelisk. What about the others, you say. “Mm, yes. I wasn’t as close with Ti’Gaian and Tia’Serene, as Ti’Gaian was usually busy building new lands for our flourishing kind. He was hard-headed and an even harder worker, but had a heart of gold. He’d move mountains–sometimes literally–for someone if it meant helping them. My only regret was not getting to spend more time with him. Tia’Serene wasn’t like the rest of us, however. She worked tirelessly to make the oceans deep and fathomless, and often secluded herself there. She preferred quiet and privacy, and rarely ever surfaced except when Mother, Tia’Amat, summoned us.” Wait, there’s one more, you say. She politely declines. “Another time, friend. No time for tears, for now is a time of celebration!” A celebration? What does Tia mean by that?
A lengthy trek to to Mystical Creatures isle, home to Tia’Malcara............ When you land, Tia’Malcara is there to greet you fondly, bowing her head in reverence, only to be startled as a hatchling runs headlong into her hind foot. The fireling circles her foot, ‘roaring’ at the larger Fire adolescent in pursuit. She shoos them away, and the pair go bouncing away excitedly. “Never a moment's rest!” She chortles happily. “They grow up so quickly, though, so I enjoy this as long as I am able.” You nod in agreement, they’re only so cute for so long. But you’re here on the matter of her concerningly brief invitation. “Oh! Apologies. I would’ve written more, but the Hatchlings were trying to eat my pen. Well then, you’re here now so, please, walk with me.” She beckons, turning her great mass such that her wing shields you from the noon-day sun. You ask her what was so important, that she’d summon you so suddenly, as you walk along beside her. The island is quite abuzz with activity. Caretakers and Dragons alike are hard at work erecting wooden stands and banners. Garlands of fire crystals are hung across the walkways. Lanterns are set up all along the ground, ready to be lit. It looks like preparation for a.. Festival, of sorts, but it is not quite ready. The journey continues....
Let's embark on a journey to the enchanted realm of the dragons............. Your day begins, much as it always has. You groggily rise from bed, awakened by the excited chitterings of hatchlings at play. They’ve found their way into your domicile, and ransacked your belongings, in search of a tasty treat to snack on. So you set about tidying up their mess when you come upon a deep red envelope, sealed with a golden wax stamp in the shape of a swirling 4 clawed paw print. It's only been slightly chewed and slobbered on. Carefully, you break the seal, and find a piece of folded parchment inside. As you unfold it, you take in the beautifully written calligraphic text. Tia’Malcara wishes to speak with you. Her letter is surprisingly short, making you wonder if her summons are of an urgent nature. Without a moment to lose, you don your attire, and mount the back of your most steadfast, loyal Dragon. Away we go! What could this be about? Do you know? Stay tuned to find out!
Hello Mystical Family! I hope everyone is having a great tuesday, i know im still adjusting to time change and i bet a few of you are too. We have been very busy lately and im excited to announce some fun stuff very soon. In the meantime, I wanted to talk to everyone about something serious, I have gotten some messages lately that make me very sad. Harassing, bullying, stalking, and a few other behaviors have bee reported to me. The Mystical team are all residents of Second life just like you. This means that we do not have any special powers to handle issues that obviously need to involve a linden. I have reached out to Linden Labs about some of the behavior that has been going on, unfortunately at this time I was told they are not visiting any communities. They did want me to make sure that I am sharing with all the community how important it is to file abuse reports to make them aware of any behavior that violates Second Life Terms of Service. When to file an abuse report? Abuse occurs when someone violates the Second Life Terms and Conditions (ToS) or the Community Standards (CS). Every Resident agrees to abide by these rules upon joining Second Life. Some special areas, such as Infohubs, have additional restrictions called the Welcome Area Guidelines. Whenever you see one of these rules being broken and you believe it to be intentional or malicious, everyone present at the scene should file an abuse report. If there are multiple incidents, file multiple reports. File reports on any abuse you witness in addition to abuse that targets you personally. Not every Resident is aware of the abuse-reporting system or remembers to use it, so please help out your fellow Residents! Reports from multiple people underscore the seriousness of an incident. How to file an abuse report To file an abuse report, do any of the following: Choose Help > Report Abuse from the menus at the top of your Viewer window. To directly report another Resident, right-click their avatar and choose Report To directly report an object, right-click the object and select Manage > Report Abuse. The REPORT ABUSE window opens, displaying a snapshot of what is onscreen at that moment and the relevant identifying information if you selected an avatar or object. If the snapshot helps clarify the issue, check Use this screenshot. Screenshots can be very helpful visual evidence; include them whenever appropriate. If the report is about an avatar or object , click the abuse button to fill in the relevant information automatically. Click Select category and choose a category. If you don't see a category for the particular incident you're reporting, select the closest option you can find and explain in the Details field. The Location of Abuse field is filled in automatically with your current location. Change to specify a different location. In the Summary field, write a concise, one-line summary, much like an email subject line. Be brief yet precise. Use the Details field to give as much pertinent information as possible to help Linden Lab assess the incident. Be specific about this incident, with times and locations if possible. Click Report Abuse to submit the abuse report. What happens when an abuse report is filed You receive an automated response by email. If you need to add more information after submitting a report, please submit a new report. We try to resolve abuse issues as quickly as possible, but response times vary depending on the number of backlogged abuse reports. For privacy reasons, we are unable to share the details of an investigation into an abuse report. Once your report has been submitted, we'll take it from there. Often all it takes to curtail an issue is an official warning. In most cases, a Resident who violates our Terms of Service and/or Community Standards is given several opportunities to rectify his or her behavior before banishment occurs. In all cases, the Resident's disciplinary record is reviewed to determine an appropriate response. Serious abuse may result in account suspensions or permanent bans. The length of a suspension is determined by the nature of the abuse, previous violations, and how many people are affected. If you want to read more about abuse reports please visit this site: I would encourage all of you that if someone is behaving in a manor that viaolates Second Life Terms of Use that you send an abuse report. If you need some help filing an abuse report please reach out. I do hope this helps! I Make today Mystical!
Oxya Avril changed their profile photo
Hello Friends! Did you know that there are SO MANY activities that happen in the dragon world EVERY day? Every Week? Every Month? WHAAAA??? It's true! And there's more to come! But here's a rundown for what's on tap thus far and the deets! MC Townhall Meetings MMOC Meetings Auctions Mystical Creatures Events Community Activities MC TOWNHALL MEETINGS Last Friday of the Month - 1pm SLT There are many ways to make your voice known and one of the ways to do just that, is to attend the Mystical Creatures Townhall meetings. We STRONGLY encourage you to attend. You can find us here. This is where you ask questions regarding the technical or design side of our dragons. If there's anything you'd like to see on the dragons or have suggestions, this is the place you wanna be! MMOC MEETINGS First Saturday of the Month - 1pm SLT Another way to express your opinion is to join our Mystical Creatures Market Owners Coalition (MMOC) community meeting. Here you can voice concerns regarding the secondary market and dragon values, as well as, suggest special events and activities. The MMOC takes your points into serious consideration and discusses ways to make improvements to benefit buyers and sellers. AUCTIONS Daily at Different Times If you are looking to get a handle on the market or sell your dragon babies, auctions happen all the time and are always welcoming to new breeders. Auction times can be found here. This is also a great way to educate yourself on pricing and demand and to see what other breeders are breeding. MYSTICAL CREATURES EVENTS To Be Announced At any time, Mystical Creatures can host an event such as a dance, a hunt or games. These usually happen around Mystical Creatures' birthday or during the holidays, but can also happen at anytime. Ava enjoys giving pop-up Q&A Sessions and will announce it in the Mystical Creatures Group. It's super important to stay in touch by checking past group notices. Make sure you don't miss a thing! COMMUNITY ACTIVITIES To Be Announced Activities for the community include digging sessions, battlegrounds and classes. They can be sponsored by either Mystical Creatures or MMOC. They will also be announced in the Mystical Creatures Group and MMOC Group. There will be plenty of notice for these events and everyone is encouraged to join us! Please make it a point to join us at as many of these activities as you can, to stay informed and up-to-date on community events! See ya out there!
Hey Mystical Family! I hope everyone is having a great day! Guess what its HUMP DAY! We are almost thru the week! So I was talking with a few Dragon breeders earlier (Big shout out to everyone who came) and they were telling me that they did not see the new horn and ornament. So lets shine the light on these new traits! If you haven't seen or heard we have 2 new traits that were found the Imperial Horn and the Flameseeker Ornament! Lets take a look at both: Now you have seen them lets talk about them! Where did these come from? Well if you breed any of the 2025 Valentines Day Edition Dragons you have a chance to get one of these! Both the Flameseeker and Imperial are considered Fire Element traits! What is awesome is that both of these DO have the ability to pass and will work with all the normal Horn Pigments and Ornament Pigments! I hope that you guys enjoy these new traits! Keep your eyes out for these in the market and in your breeding! Make today Mystical
I was always a horse and k9 breeder. I love to play with them and see what they can do. Until recently, I had not given dragons a second look. That changed when I saw this baby:
I told everyone who would hear that the coat would be the reason to go dragon hunting and egg hatching.
My journey started 9 days ago when I hatched my first Sossurth! I am up to 20 now.
So, a few days back, this baby was welcomed into the family:
Gender: Dragoness
Age: 1
Skin: Kinship - Mother of Pearl
Eye: Mother of Pearl
Claw: Mother of Pearl
Horn Element: Fins
Horn Pigment: Mother of Pearl
Ornament Element: Fins
Ornament Pigment: Mother of Pearl
Marking: None
Ascended: NoIt was love at first sight!! I am hooked!
AARON KISMYAZ started following Kinship - Mother of Pearl!
rayden evergarden started following Gifting Now Available!
Hey Mystical Family as we talked about at the community meeting Mystical Creatures is now offering the ability to gift our products! What does this mean? Well this changes the way all Mystical Creatures vendors work, here is a step by step guide on how to buy gifts and purchase items for yourself. Buying for yourself: 1. Touch the vendor 2. Select Buy - local chat will say "Mystical Potion of Healing (Vendor): Pay box to confirm" 3. Touch the vendor 4. Pay the vendor the amount you want to purchase - local chat will say "Mystical Potion of Healing (Vendor): Your purchase will be delivered shortly 5. Check your inventory - local chat "An object named Mystical Potion of Healing (Vendor) gave you this object: 'Mystical Potion of Healing, Single pack (Box)' )" 6. Enjoy your item! Buying for someone else: 1. Touch the vendor 2. Select Gift 3. Enter uuid and enter - local chat "Mystical Potion of Healing (Vendor): Attempting to find avatar 0308d115-fd8f-4db4-844c-80ffb3dc5de5" Mystical Potion of Healing (Vendor): Would you like to gift this item to Avalon Crystal 4. Select yes 5. Pay the box the amount you want to purchase- local chat "Pay the box to gift to 0308d115-fd8f-4db4-844c-80ffb3dc5de5" 6.Item is sent- Local chat "Mystical Potion of Healing (Vendor): Your purchase will be delivered shortly" Its that easy! Now one more thing I want to talk about is how to get a uuid of an avatar. If you pull up anyones profile, you will see under the name there is a Key, this is the avatars uuid. Please copy and paste the users key into the pop up box when prompted. If the avatar key is not valid you will be told that XXX-XXXX-XXXXX not found, try the user's avatar key again. You will have to begin the entire process over again. In this example you will see that my uuid is 0308d115-fd8f-4db4-844c-80ffb3dc5de5 While we are talking about vendors, I have seen people who filed tickets stating they did not accept their purchase or they accidentally declined. Well I will tell you my trick for that is a simple setting! In your settings you can see there is an option to Automatically accept new inventory items, i never accidentally decline anything using this option it just goes right into my inventory! We do hope you enjoy the ability to purchase gifts, so get to gifting! We are currently rolling these vendors out starting the main stores, so please be patient until all vendors are updated! Make today Mystical!
Hello Friends! It's all about the game and how ya play it, right? So... How do ya? If you're like me, one of my favorite ways to play is anticipating that drop! Whether it's a special drop or a completed designer, finally getting that epic drop is ALWAYS a satisfaction beyond compare. Breeding and designing are more awesome ways to play! So many of us do this and I am constantly amazed at the array of designer dragons. It becomes inspiring to create more designers. Our dragons are not just beautiful but very functional, as well. They are extremely proficient at digging, able to find treasure and materials for you to keep, craft or sell. Also, they are able to battle other dragons or foes, should you choose to train them and fight them. And let me tell you... there is nothing like the thrill of hatching an egg with intentions of training it! Naming dragons Riding dragons Breeding dragons Creating dragons Battling dragons Digging dragons How ever you choose to play, we're all in this game together. By buying, selling and sharing, we support each other in this game. We provide everything from materials to traits for each other. And I absolutely think that's the best way to play. See ya out there!
Hey Mystical Family! How is everyone today! I hope that everyone had a great weekend! Some of you have been asking about the monthly mystery sale. Since the monthly Mystery Sale has stopped, we bring you the Pop Up Sale! A Pop Up sale can pop up at anytime! We will always tell you how long it will last! For the remainder of the month of March the Mystical Charm of Eternity is half priced!! Remember these guys stay good until you use them soooo take advantage and pick some up because you never know when you might need them! These items are only on sale at Main Store so head on over and take advanatage of this sale before its gone!! Here is your ride: Make today Mystical!
Stαг ƜiηteгMooη changed their profile photo
keanu vortex changed their profile photo
A Journey of knowledge~ Announcing a New Mystical Creatures Museum!
Draelle Chandler posted an article in News
Take a Journey! Calling all Dragon Lovers to hear about this incredible place! This place is full of knowledge and history for those New and Old Mystical Creature Lovers! The wealth of knowledge is in this new updated place presents to our Mystical Creatures community is useful and inspiring to those New Dragon Breeders and an awesome refresher to the Older dragon breeders as well~ The inspirational knowledge here in this place is amazing. It is very easy to navigate through just start wandering through to see highlights going each direction~ With a Multi media guided tour and the directional lighted arrows , it is a pleasure to journey through~ Here you can listen, watch and read about so many important facts all about dragons. From start to finish, with knowledge to enhance your breeding experience. Then, as you wander to the next building at the other end, you will find this Legendary Edition room. A history of Mystical Creatures Dragons are here to learn about and to dream about~ You can find this spectacular place under rainbow horizons just a teleport away. Journey to New Colony ~ Park/231/128/21 -
Hello Friends!! Just wanted to take a moment to explain the value of a designer dragon. Many of you know what goes into making your own designer dragon, but what value does your dragon hold when the design is complete? Unfortunately, there is no definite answer. However, there is still a way to place value on your hard work by taking certain points into consideration. > How long did it take to finish your creation? > Does your design include new or rare traits? > Did you train your dragon for battle? > Is it a unique design? By answering these questions, you can begin to form a value on your designer dragon. Even if you are not sure about how to answer, ask yourself... "What would I pay for this dragon?" While this is just the very beginning of what value a dragon can hold, it is most definitely a good place to start when you decide to put your designers in the markets. Value is not just a market price.... it is desirability and supply. It is effort and creativity. It is time and knowledge. All of these add to the value of a dragon. After all, isn't that why we breed? To create beautiful and valuable dragons? Isn't it a bragging right to show how creative you are with your unique dragon designs? The fun of breeding and designing is at the very heart of these dragons. And that is the real worth.
The MMOC and its officers are back and hard at work! We are making future plans for our dragon community and we want you to join us! Did you know you can be a part of the MMOC too??? Just message one of the Officers listed below for an invite to the group~ The MMOC stands for Mystical Markets Officers Coalition, and we come together each month to listen to and put in motion, fun events and to offer help and development in the stabilization and growth of our secondary markets. Our Officers are ready and willing to make a mark, with the combined knowledge in breeding and marketing we all have, and we want your involvement too! Message one of us below to join today~ From Egg Hunts, to Game nights, to even more serious topics! All of this and more is what you can count on hearing about in our monthly meetings. Our Monthly Meeting times for the MMOC Community will be on the 1st of each month at 1pm~ ( Mark your Calendars, we would love to see you there!) The MMOC wants to hear from YOU! I wanted to take the time to introduce our current Officers of the MMOC~( input drumroll ) Josie Wright CEO/COO Avalon Crystal CEO/COO Rαуɗєη Lуσηѕ EмeяαƖɗ Ɛνєηѕтαяя Lead Officer Draelle Chandler Lead Officer мOяƓαƝ (xoxomorganxoxo) Officer Ash Evergarden Officer MαƖαcнι AƖρнα ƐмєяαƖɗ Ɛνєηѕтαяя Officer Our Officers are committed to providing experienced leadership for our dragon breeders, and it is our combined hope that our community will join us in our endeavors to create an exciting journey of fun and friendship every year~
2nd Legendary Edition Design Contest!
Avalon Crystal posted an article in Mystical Creatures Contests
Hello Mystical Family! It is that time again!!! What time you ask? Time for you guys to create your best dragon! Thats right its time for the 2nd Legendary Edition Design Contest! Lets talk about the rules first! 2nd Legendary Edition Design Contest Rules: *Must be original art work (not a picture taken from google or the Internet) *Must not break SL TOS, you can read over Secondlifes TOS here: *Must not be Trademarked or Copyrighted designs you can read up about Intellectual Property here: *Must be within good taste and not offensive *No AI generated Images will be accepted! *Mystical Creatures reserves the right to accept or reject any design *You are only allowed to submit one design per avatar, only designs from active breeders will be accepted, NO ALTS We have also made some awesome templates for you guys to use this time! These are printable to you can print them and color them in rl! So even if you arent the best artist hopefully these templates will help and encourage you to give it a whirl! You do not have to use a template but we thought this might make it easier for some! Remember we are not looking for the best art, we are looking for most creative idea, our design team will make the art! You can find all the templates here: How do you submitt your design? Head on over to Start a new topic and include a photo and any details of your design! If you have any questions please reach out! You have until March 19th to submit your design! I can not wait to see what you guys create! -
Hello Mystical Family! Its time for me to give you guys some official news on the Kinship Dragon! I have seen a few of these posted and i know you guys are interested in the details around the Kinship - Mother of Pearl! Here is what the stats of every Kinship - Mother of Pearl will be: Skin: Kinship - Mother of Pearl Element: Water Eye: Mother of Pearl Claws: Mother of Pearl Horn: Fins Horn Pigment: Mother of Pearl Ornament: Fins Ornament Pigment: Mother of Pearl You will not be able to add or change the traits on the Kinship - Mother of Pearl. How do you get one? Well breed together siblings that have a water element skin! Siblings are 2 dragons that have the same mother and father. Water element skins that qualify are as follows: Water Gayvrenth Seadream Water Sossurth Water Qandaes Water Zaetus Shallows Verdant Rime Azulis Abyssal Soul Tranquil Waters Lets take a closer look at the Mother of Pearl eye! I think this dragon is absolutely stunning! The Kinship - Mother of Pearl DOES NOT have the ability to pass its skin! However Mother of Pearl traits DO have the ability to pass from the Kinship - Mother of Pearl Dragon. In the future we plan to expand on the Kinship Dragon with other elements and skins so keep your eyes out for information in the future regarding siblings! I hope you guys like this dragon as much as we do! Make today a Mystical one!!!
Hey Friends! A lot of questions are surfacing over how to buy a dragon, or any item! Where did Firestorm put the buy option? Did they take it away? The easy answer is no. They just moved it! It's not difficult to find, but it certainly can be confusing. Here are the basics! When you right-click an item to buy it, simply navigate the pie menu as shown below. Right-click > More > Buy. Then buy the item as you normally would. However, there is also an alternative to the pie menu should you choose to change your interface. Under preferences you can change the pie menu to a drop-down menu, as shown below. Preferences > User Interface > 2D Overlay > Use Pie Menu By unchecking the Use Pie Menu box, it will give you the drop-down menu, as shown below No matter how you slice it, the buy option never went away. It just moved. And remember, if you have any problems with your dragons, including buying them, please don't hesitate to ask us in the Mystical Creatures group.