• MaggieMae Puddles
    MaggieMae Puddles

    You've Come a Long Way Baby!

    Dear Breeders,

    Can you believe it Mystical Creatures will be two years old September 15th!  Look how far we have come!  In the beginning Mystical Creatures announced animesh breedable dragons!  Breeders were excited to see the animations and the beautiful skins on these starter dragons: 


    Never before have we seen these fluid animations and we were amazed at how we could ride them, how they could fly, breath fire, and a new element how they could dig using a hud and we could craft items.  All new cutting edge stuff! 

    When we bred those starter dragons we began to discover new traits!  Skins, Horn pigments, Eyes, Ornament pigments, & Claws!  Look at all these new dragons we discovered: 





    When this happened the fun began!  This was the start of designing dragons and mixing and matching all the new traits.  But, true to form Mystical Creatures amazed us with Legendary Edition dragons that brought us new traits.  Then lets not forget all the new markings they gave us to design beautiful dragons! For two years Mystical Creation team has brought us so many wonderful new traits.  With the Birthday Celebration right around the corner what new things will they amaze us with?  So yah we have come along way Baby!  I for one cannot wait to see what they have in store for us.  Thank you for walking down memory lane and remembering how this all started.  

    This is Maggie Mae reporting live on trending news in Mystical Creatures.  

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