Hello guys! Happy Thursday! I encountered a few people lately that did not know how to make a folder so I thought id share this one again,
When Mystical Creatures asks you to send a folder with your broken Dragon inside its very important to make a folder, with your name and your ticket ID! Doing this will ensure a speedy return of your Dragon!.
Why do we need folders?
The reason we ask for a folder with your name and ticket number on it is because it’s easier to sort and look for a folder than it is to find an object or a Dragon and Egg and a notecard and it helps us help you faster and more efficiently!
Now the fun part ideally we want all folders to have 2 parts to their name like so (Your SL name (no display names please) – Your Mystical Ticket Number (i.e Avalon -xxxx)) this will help us find your folder quicker and be able to quickly find your ticket number please be sure that your ticket number follows this format: Avalon -xxxx the easiest way is to copy and paste the ticket ID from the ticket system.
How did I create a folder?
Now creating a folder is easy all you do is right click (or command click if your using a mac) in either the My Inventory folder or another folder (like the Objects folder) and click New Folder then under the folder you clicked on a New Folder will be created and ready to rename to whatever you want to name it. Once you are done changing the name it will fall in order with the other folders and be ready to add your inventory to it. After you have placed the Dragon or egg and any additional information you can add for the ticket pull our name up in search and drag the folder over to us and we will get it (even if we are offline!) and we will respond in your ticket if more information is needed or if no info is needed you will have your fixed breedable sent back in the folder described at the end of this blog
A few things you need to do after filing a ticket.
- You do NOT need to send a note card or an instant message to the CSR.
- You DO need to reply to your ticket.
- You DO need to reply in the original ticket.
- If you do instant message a CSR have your ticket ID on hand, we talk to so many people when you randomly message we have no idea who you are. It may be awhile before we notice your IM, as we are working on fixing your breedables
- Do NOT file duplicate tickets for the same issue.
How do I reply in the original ticket?After you have logged in find the button on the top menu bar that says Support you will see your ticket list. You will see listed all tickets you have filed and be able to respond to any ticket.
Also if your purchase was not delivered please state exactly what you are missing and the paste the transaction history found on your Secondlife Dashboard.
When your repaired Dragons or Eggs are sent back in a folder named like this " Mystical Creatures(s) from Avalon Crystal - REPAIRED "
Please remember all these things when filing or handling support issues, Happy Dragon Breeding Everyone!