• Draelle Chandler
    Draelle Chandler


    So you have trained your dragon in a special Archetype and now you are ready to start Battling! Congratulations! You took the first steps in becoming a Champion Dragon Fighter! Lets Talk about the two types of ways to battle with your New dragon fighter~
    PVE ( player VS Environment , which is on your hud ) and  PVP ( Player VS Player ),
    Each one of these different ways to battle are a ton of fun~ Now, time to Level up your Battling skills!
    In this Connection, lets learn how to PVE first this week!

    1st::: Attach your battle dragon and your Mystical Creatures Hud, also attach your choice of Biome Beacon which is found in your MC HUD folder( these biomes produce different monsters to fight against)
         -the first page of your hud is the info page. image.thumb.png.1a6be3e1b96fafa140dda9872a271d9b.png

    Click the orange colored diamond at the bottom of your first page of the hud and turn to the battling page. On this page you will see your Dragons name at the top and all info on your dragon regarding archetype of the dragon you are wearing. Towards the bottom of the page you will see the option button called MONster Encounters.image.thumb.png.4a42c2340eda9c2afda66f2415507dd7.png

    2nd::: By clicking the "Monster Encounters" button you will enter into a hunt for a monster to fight in a PVE battle!     
           - after clicking the button will now say... " Searching for Monsters! -Once a monster is found you will then see the monsters picture shown at the top left of your hud screen and the info on that monster to calculate attacks to become the hero of that fight~ image.thumb.png.ab1720ae4a2ade8b1ca1481e75cfb764.png

    3rd Step:::        Start Your Battle by making the first Attack!
            -at the bottom of the battling page you will see your dragon and a few options for attacks as well as your dragons Health Points (HP), Actions and Surges bars. The actions bar is the amount of actions you have in a round and in each round you will have at least 6 actions. Surges build up according to how many times you hit your enemy and building your surges allows you to use the MAGIC option to produce a powerful attack or to Heal your dragon from enemy attacks. Your Options for attacks are~
                       -Claw, Tail, Bite, Breath, Magic
              -Clicking these attack combinations will put you in the thick of battle! In the center of the battling page you also see the Battle Log of your attacks and your enemies attacks so you can see and make that strategic next attack move to push you all the way to victory or defeat~ One after another you and your opponent will take turns sending your best attacks forth to win the battle, and again you can see progress of the battle and exactly when it is your turn or your opponents turn in the middle section Battle Log. 

            When you win the battle, your battle log will show the XP and AP given to you for winning the battle as well as the info of your wins and losses. Remember, PVE battles are the only way to level up your dragon to increase its attack, speed, focus, and defense.  With a victorious battle you will gain XP and when enough XP is gained your dragons level will go up!
    If you lose a battle you will see a message saying "You Lost!" and an account of your losses as well. 
    At the end of each battle you will need to click " End Match " . This clears your combat log and allows you to start another battle with an all new enemy! YES, its that easy and fun!
    Now time to get busy and BATTLE your Best with your new found battling ability! See you on the battlegrounds!image.png.5fe6c29ba3c943a7d6c507ad8e823b26.png



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