Hey Mystical Family! I wanted to show off and spot light the 2 brand new Dragon skins released from the all the Mystical Birthday events!
First lets take a look at the 2022 1st Birthday Edition - Tranquil Waters!!
How did you get this Dragon?? Well this one was a random drop that is NO LONGER available! So if you didnt get one you will have to buy one from someone who did!!!
Second is the 2022 Legendary Edition - Molten Soul this dragon was given out for FREE! Thats right those people who participated in the hunt and baked 5 cakes had the ability to turn in those 5 cakes for the 2022 Legendary Edition - Molten Soul Dragon! The hunt is no longer available!
What can these dragons pass? Well you will have to breed them to find out!!
OH! I almost forgot if you didnt hear the notice yesterday that there has been a new release of Mutation Markings! I gave a hint out for the first one it is the following:
Smolder + Brimstone or Ukeinth (fire) = Mutation ???
But remember that this is just one hint! There are many to find thru different breeding combinations so keep your eye out!!