Hello Mystical fam! I hope everyone is having a wonderful Hump Day! Ive got a few things that I wanted to announce and make sure that the word was being spread about!
If you missed the town hall meeting, did you know that there are 8 BRAND NEW mutation markings to be found?!
Here is how you can make 3 of them! Good luck finding the others!!!
Any Lacing Marking and Datentud could give you ????
Any Evergreen Trait and Ceondet could give you ????
Any Antlers and Mothers Rose Eye could give you ????
Im super excited for you guys to find these!!
The second thing I wanted to talk about is out next contest!! Thats right announcing the Summer Palooza Design Contest!
Starting today and going until August 1st!
Now this contest is designed to be a little harder than the first, but dont let that discourage you because you have plenty of time! Here are the following rules:
1. All traits must be NON STARTER!
2. Dragon must have Double Elements, example Feather horn and Feather Ornament!
3. Dragon must have a Marking!
4. Must be born after June 1, 2023
5. Can not be a previously submitted design!
So go crazy guys! There was a excellent turn out for the first contest lets make this one even better! I will have a amazing awesome prize for the the winner!
Make today Mystical!! Good luck everyone!