You continue to talk to Tia "Oh, a Celebration you say. Whatever for?"
“Why, to celebrate Fire of course!”
You glance around, taking in the sights. The Fire crystal garland, the red banners emblazoned with the Sigil of Flames, the flaming braziers being set up around the area. You hadn’t quite noticed that ‘Fire’ seemed to underpin everything, too enraptured by Tia’Malcara’s story. Of course, a Fire Festival!
“Tia’Pyra loved parties, and festivals. It was her idea to host festivals in the first place, hoping to build comradery amongst our people. So they became an annual tradition. Or maybe it was every hundred years…? Or maybe thousands. Time is a funny thing to us Dragons.”
So a festival then. That sounds like fun!
“Yes! Great fun indeed, all in the spirit of Tia’Pyra and to celebrate the bravery, passion and drive of Fire Dragons. After all, they’re strong-willed and passionate creatures, and it's only fitting that we celebrate Fire dragons in the only way we know how: With a party of course–And during such an auspicious time, too–The Leylines haven’t aligned like this since before the disappearance of Dragonkind!”
So what’s that Altar for? And the Obelisk behind it? Does it have something to do with this ‘Leyline Alignment’?
“The Altar of Flames is a sacred Dragon relic for condensing Magicks into a more versatile form. During the Festival, you’ll all be able to collect Cinder Shards–coalesced shards of Fire magicks, which only occur during Leyline alignments. If enough of them are brought together, we may well see something we’ve never seen before emerge from the flames of your success.”
What are cinder shards? Do you know?!