At Mystical Creatures' launching in September 2021, starter dragons came with four different horn styles. Each one is respective to the four element classes.
The starter earth dragon, Xumenth, had curved stone horns.
The Xaytud, from the air element class, had feathers decorating its head.
Gaywrent represented the water element and held hydrodynamic fins.
And the fire representative, Zuldrud, displayed long, pointy, and sharp horns.
Later, on April 15, 2022, Mystical Creatures released the 2022 Legendary Edition - Elegant Zephyr. This Legendary Edition gave us a new horn style. Zephyr, honoring Ζέφυρος (Greek), or Zephyrus (Latin), the mythological god of the west wind. The Zephyr style is an air-element horn.
And the last addition to the horn styles is the Antlers from the 2022 Legendary Edition -Dashing Reindeer.
We all know an update is coming soon, and I hope the horn styles collection increases!