More 2.0 surprises have been revealed! It seems like everyday someone is posting something new! As promised we are taking a closer look at what you have guys have found!
Today we are getting a better look at the Citra skin!
This one really is a beauty! This Dragon is pictures with Fruzayl Horn, Ornament Pigment, Claws, and Zemraidu eye!
If you are a fan of pink or yellow this is the dragon for you!
Where did this come from? Well it came from breeding 2 starter dragons together, You can also get this skin by breeding one of the new Virtol LES!
The Citra skin DOES have the ability to pass, I can imagine those Ceondet traits on this one already!
So keep your eye out for the Citra skin or maybe even other Citra traits?
Make today a Mystical one!