• Livia

    Boast your creativity!

    I'm creating a space in my Connection to show off projects our fellow breeders are developing with their dragons. At least once a month, this page will be dedicated to showing off any projects submitted with pictures and a brief description of the intention, even if the project is still in progress.

    To participate, send me a notecard inworld with all the information I need to disclose your project. Projects already approved bu the Mystical Creatures Market Owners Coalition will have precedence over others because they were already recognized as yours by a board.
    I hope you guys like the idea and will send me enough material to publish lots of your projects.

    Submit your notecards to Lisbeth Placebo, adding your SL name, your display name, your project name, all traits you have or wish in your dragon, and a high-quality picture. The more photos you add, the better! And don't panic if I take some time to publish yours; as I said before, I'm hoping to get many notecards, and in time I will disclose them all.

    e.g.:  sent by Morgan in Mystical Creatures discord group


    Dragoness Skin: Fruzayl Element: Air

    Eye: Fire Ceondet

    Claws: Water Gayvrenth

    Horn: Spikes

    Horn Pigment: Brimstone

    Ornament: Spikes

    Ornament Pigment: Water Gayvrenth

    Marking: Mutation Pine Lacing

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