• Avalon Crystal
    Avalon Crystal

    Festival of Flames contiues to BURN!!

    Tia’Malcara regards the little island she calls home with fondness. It's been quite busy since the festival began, visitors coming and going to pick up supplies or donate their hard-earned Cinder Shards.

    Another person, dragon in tow, excitedly scrambles up the steps, dumping a basket full of shards into the Altar, and cheers when their name climbs the rankings–a little board she devised, knowing that Tamers, Breeders and Collectors loved competition as much as their Dragons. It had certainly motivated them and their drive was obvious through their enthusiasm.

    She could sense that the Obelisk was nearing its first milestone. This was certainly cause for celebration, and she pondered what sorts of rewards she could provide those who showed the most promise. After all, her hopes and expectations had not only been met, but exceeded! Tia’Pyra would’ve been overjoyed, and she hoped that wherever she was, she could feel the warmth of everyone’s hard work and dedication.

    With a smile, she prepared herself to channel the collected magicks into the Obelisk. She was eager to see how much progress had been made so far!

    Thanks to the community’s hard work since the festival began, we’ve hit our first major milestone! The Obelisk is starting to fill—come check it out!

    Stage 1 is now complete, and Stage 2 is officially underway! A new leaderboard begins now, but don’t worry your totals from all stages are cumulative. At the end of the festival, everything will be added up!

    As a thank-you, everyone who has turned in cinders will receive a participation gift Mystical Terrain - Blazing Steppes! Keep an eye out!

    In addition to the participation gifts, the top 10 players on the leader board will receive 1 Mystical Charm of Eternity!

    The top 3 players will receive any Mystical LE of their choice old or new, as well as a Mystical Dragon Breeding & Wellness Pack!

    We are now entering stage 2 of the Festival of Flames! If you are not participating its a great time to get started! 

     Who knows what fiery surprises await? Let the flames burn bright!

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