• Avalon Crystal
    Avalon Crystal

    2nd Legendary Edition Design Contest!

    Hello Mystical Family! It is that time again!!! What time you ask? Time for you guys to create your best dragon! 

    Thats right its time for the 2nd Legendary Edition Design Contest! Lets talk about the rules first!

    2nd Legendary Edition Design Contest Rules:

    *Must be original art work (not a picture taken from google or the Internet)

    *Must not break SL TOS, you can read over Secondlifes TOS here:

    *Must not be Trademarked or Copyrighted designs you can read up about Intellectual Property here: http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Intellectual_Property

    *Must be within good taste and not offensive

    *No AI generated Images will be  accepted!

    *Mystical Creatures reserves the right to accept or reject any design

    *You are only allowed to submit one design per avatar, only designs from active breeders will be accepted, NO ALTS

    We have also made some awesome templates for you guys to use this time! These are printable to you can print them and color them in rl! So even if you arent the best artist hopefully these templates will help and encourage  you to give it a whirl! 

    You do not have to use a template but we thought this might make it easier for some! Remember we are not looking for the best art, we are looking for most creative idea, our design team will make the art!  You can find all the templates here:

    How do you submitt your design? Head on over to https://mysticalcreaturesamaretto.com/forums/forum/32-2nd-legendary-edition-design-contest/

    Start a new topic and include a photo and any details of your design! 

    If you have any questions please reach out! You have until March 19th to submit your design! I can not wait to see what you guys create! 

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