Hey everyone Mystical Creatures Birthday is fast approaching! I can not believe we will be a year old on September 15th!
Our Let's Bake a Cake! Event will begin tomorrow, we will send notices once the hunt has begun but lets talk about what you will need to do to participate.
You will need to pick up Mystical Birthday Bash Basket at any Mystical Creatures location, you will need to attach this basket to your avatar then you will be ready to hunt!
Now where do you look? Here is a list of locations of our
~Mystical Creatures~ powered by Amaretto MAIN STORE
Satellite Stores
http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/The Chinchilla Isle/33/32/23 http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Miniconjou/225/149/25
http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Golden Autumn/29/169/32
http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Sea Crest/105/245/23
http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Eden Park/130/173/21
Head on over with your basket to any of these locations items are hidden around the dragon areas at these markets and al over our main sim.
Here is what your looking for:
Mystical Cake Flour
Mystical Candle
Mystical Eggs
Mystical Milk!!!
You collect these by wearing your basket and clicking these items hidden around, once you click the item it will disappear and go to your basket. Once you have found the following you are ready to head on over to the main sim and bake a Mystical Celebration Cake:
5 Mystical Cake Flour
1 Mystical Candle
2 Mystical Eggs
3 Mystical Milk
Your basket will also tell you when your ready to bake a cake!
Look for this oven at the main store:
You will click the oven and follow the prompts to bake your cake! A Mystical Celebration Cake will be sent to your inventory, Don't loose this you will need it later!!!
There are super Birthday surprises that you can get from turning your cakes once you have birthed them!
1 Mystical Celebration Cake -Mystical Dragon Mask (wearable)
2 Mystical Celebration Cakes - Mystical Dragon Wings (wearable)
3 Mystical Celebration Cake - Commemorative Dragon Plush
5 Mystical Celebration Cake - 2022 Legendary Edition - Molten Soul
Some things to remember:
Event does NOT stat until notices are sent
This event is for active dragon breeders only
You will only be able to get 1 of each item
We are so excited to kick off our bday celebrations and do not forget that On September 15th we will party!
11am - 1pm slt Dj Ava playing some booty shaking music!
MysticalDragon will be giving away lots of prizes, people will be chosen randomly from those who attend, are in the group and on the website.
So get ready to hunt! Make it a Mystical Day!!!